Storing your personal items, especially those you cherish away from home can be difficult and you may wonder just how safe they are within your storage unit. Most storage facilities take precautions and have safety measures in place to keep your items safe. However, sometimes you just need that extra peace of mind and we understand that. Below, we will talk about some of the steps you can take to ensure that your storage unit is protected.

Choose a Secure Facility

One of the first things you need to do before you rent any storage unit is to visit the facility and take a look around. You should be looking to see if the facility is secure and if it is maintained. You do not want to leave your items somewhere that has no security because you cannot be sure that they would be safe.

If this is your first time renting a storage unit, you may feel a bit lost or unsure of what to look for exactly as you explore the facility. Here are some things to check out:

  • How is the lighting both indoors and outdoors?
  • Is there a gate and does it require an access code specific to the renter?
  • Is there a surveillance or video monitoring system in place?

Individual Door Alarms

One way to secure your unit is to have an individual door alarm on the unit itself. Not all facilities offer this type of security, so if you do want something like this, you will need to make sure you check for facilities that provide it.

If you are allowed to place your own alarm on the door, this is something to consider as well. This way, if someone tries to access your unit, the alarm will sound and deter them.

Keep Valuables Away from the Front

Valuable items and items with some type of monetary worth are always going to be tempting to someone who is looking to make a quick buck. With that said, it is important that you do not store all of your valuables and prized possessions at the front of your unit. You should store them in the back or somewhere where they are out of sight as this will help prevent theft.

Choose a Good Lock

The lock you choose for your storage unit matters and it matters a lot. You want to be sure that you choose one that fits appropriately and works without fail. There are several different types of locks to choose from, so it is best to look them up and weigh both the pros and cons to see which one would work best in your situation.

Access Control

This is an excellent feature and one that you want the storage facility you rent from to have. Access control blocks access to the facility to those who do not have the code or those who do not have permission to be there. This provides an additional layer of security and works to keep thieves out.

Choose Your Facility Wisely

It all boils down to the facility that you choose and the amenities that they can offer you. You want to find a place that puts security first and has your best interests in mind. However, you are also responsible for the safety of your items, so never let your guard down.