Marriages – some last a lifetime, others don’t. We know that having a look at statistics of global divorces doesn’t help make a point. However, at least four of ten marriages end in a divorce. If your marriage hasn’t turned out the way you wanted it to be, it might be a good idea to call up your lawyer. We understand that ending a marriage is certainly one of the hardest decisions that one has to make in life, especially when your feelings and kids are involved.

 Many couples keep on going and staying in a toxic relationship, even when they know that they shouldn’t – if you find yourself in a somewhat similar situation. The following three tell-tale signs will help you identify when to consult a professional law expert, such as the Visionary Law.

Non-Existing Communication

You might ask any long-lasting marriages about their key to happiness. They will mention the importance of communication, the lack of which can be a sign of an impending divorce among couples. A marriage can only work if both partners are honest, open, and comfortable with expressing their raw feelings to each other.

A healthy relationship also includes comprehending each other’s non-verbal clues and paying attention to what your better half wants to say. Things usually head towards the worst direction when communication ceases to exist, and no one is willing to address issues that changed the entire relationship.

Repetitive Arguments

All couples have tiny arguments from time to time as it is an essential part of married life. In a healthy married life, people can agree to disagree while allowing them to express how they feel about certain things. For a successful marriage, issues are resolved to find common ground instead of attacking each other, keeping score, and verbally abusing each other. If you find yourself in a constant loop of repeated arguments, it is can be a red flag that indicates an impending divorce.

Emotional & Physical Withdrawal

We know that there is a certain limit to what is known as a honeymoon period. However, suppose intimacy has waned to the extent that you no longer feel loved by your partner. In that case, it can give rise to loads of insecurities and affect your emotional and mental wellbeing. Mismatched sexual chemistry can take a serious toll on one’s marriage life. While going to a “couple therapy” might be a good idea, many partners are unwilling to cooperate and get offended.

While a waned intimacy can also indicate certain unresolved issues between partners, and emotional withdrawal is often the bigger red flag that your marriage is about to fall apart. Naturally, your partner is your primary source of emotional support. If you see that your partner is becoming less emotionally available, it is usually one of the first red flags that point towards a divorce. If the matter is unnecessarily delayed, it is nothing less than a slippery slope downwards from there.

The bottom line is – know your rights and see a divorce lawyer to know your potential options.