The Dark Hammer Organization known as Anne Frank that a’colonizer’

The Dark Hammer Organization, a literary group which advertises itself as a”sign of hope for its colonized working class,” posted on line they were burning copies of Frank’s journal to keep warm from the hills of the Centennial State.

“Y’all [whities] keep asking us how we are going to keep ourselves warm up from the hills?” The company tweeted Tuesday. “Do not y’already know it only requires a fantastic publication to burn plus a few wonderful wood. And best think we have loads of duplicates to help keep us warm all season long.”

The company then posted a followup tweet for their book-burning brag on Tuesday, saying that the group doesn’t”share the exact same material fact” with all the folks descended from”[G]erman imperialists.” In addition they called Frank a colonizer in a distinct tweet.

“Colonizers have enslaved, genocided, ate, tortured, and oppressed us for decades, but get angry when we say we are likely to”burn” a yt woman’s journal,” they wrote. “Sorry, but we do not share exactly the exact same substance reality with brothers of [G]erman imperialists in armies that murdered our people”
The team also promised that European Jews”were funding the slave ships from Africa into the [A]mericas” and”tinkering upon the Harero individuals” together with all the Germans on”Shark Island.”

Black Hammer also promised in additional anti-Semitic tweets which Frank had been”literally amerikan propaganda utilized to silence colonized individuals about the injury yt jews do now to colonized individuals,” accompanied by a quote from Malcolm X criticizing Jewish men and women.
They also called Frank — who died at age 15 in a Nazi concentration camp as a”bleach demon” and maintained that the profits from the sale of her journal fund a genocide against Palestinians.

“Anne Frank’s dad participated in a royal military that went overseas [and] murdered African individuals everyday, but we are supposed to shout to the bleach spree,” the band tweeted. “Why is it worse is profits of her journal, which was full of by her dad, go towards genocide of Palestinians.”

The Dark Hammer Organization also reacted to the Twitter accounts’s warning that radicals”are calling Anne Frank a colonizer.” The group reacted. “Her dad was involved with the killing of colonized individuals, like what’s wrong withy’all of??”
The Black Hammer site explains the company as”a radical mass organization dedicated to developing a sustainable future for all colonized people globally.”

In its assignment statement, the team says its objective is to”take the Land Back for many colonized people globally. We’re focused on constructing double contending energy of and for the colonized masses”

Their “latest endeavor” is the building of a commune from the title of Hammer City, which the team is hoping to establish via a GoFundMe page aiming to raise $500,000.

Dark Hammer advertises the job as constructing”a town for many people of colour to be liberated” no matter the”nationality, sex, age, mental/physical differences” or other features.
Moreover, the organization claims the commune will have occupation,”meals,””home,” and”health” along with”[n]o cops, no lease, no Coronavirus, without white individuals.”

For this writing, the GoFundMe has increased only above $64,000 plus a current article mirroring that a tweet in the company maintained that Black Hammer”free” 200 acres of property in”so-called’Colorado, USA.’

“Our comrades who had the opportunity to go to the land staged just praises of this land-how the property is ideal to construct our ecofriendly and durable earthbag houses, the gorgeous rivers and streams which pass through it, and also the remarkable flora and fauna we’ll be residing in community with,” the post reads.

In a statement to Fox News, Black Hammer Organization overall Secretary Anco Nahuel defended the tweets, asserting the expression”Bleach Demon is inflammatory” however”isn’t a slur.”

“We’re staunchly anti aging white and think all white individuals have profited from colonialism,” he continued. “We plan to expose just how white Jewish (versus state Ethiopian Jews) individuals despite their historic oppression now take part in colonialism.

“We don’t have any regard to our oppressors and jokes and insults are 100% fine for the oppressed to use against their oppressor since they don’t stop the right to self determination,” Nahuel explained.

Nahuel concluded by stating terrorists must find”something much better to report , such as Kamala Harris allowing indigenous men and women get slaughtered in the boundary” and”the peddling of a world war with China by both ruling classes of the so called state.”

According to the Black Hammer Organization webpage, membership”is exclusive to colonized people just” that are 18 or older and states in all-caps:”NO WHITES ALLOWED.”