The deputy SPD chairman Kevin Kühnert pleads for “siphoning off”part of the value gains of land in the future. This applies, for example, when they become building land, Kühnert told the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”.

“The reason for the increase in value is solely a corresponding municipal designation of the property as a building expectation country. For the SPD, this part of the increase in value therefore belongs to the general public,“ stressed the SPD vice president. “Floor and living space cannot be treated like any other commodity.”

The federal, state and local authorities should no longer privatize land. “The fact that clammy communities had to replenish their coffers with land sales at short notice is bitterly revenged today,” said Kühnert. “Now many of them are trying to buy back areas for many times the proceeds of that time.“ This is where the federal government has to step in, for example through the Federal Real estate Agency, which has enforced its party and which always first offers its land to the municipalities for use or builds housing itself.

In order to alleviate the pressure on the housing market, the SPD also wants to advocate a five-year rent freeze in tense locations, said the vice-chairman: “In these five years, affordable new buildings are to be created with massive support.”

In mid-April, the Federal Constitutional Court declared the Berlin rent cap unconstitutional. The judges explained that the legislative power was not with the state, but with the federal government.

For Kühnert, this is “a work order” for the next federal government to make a political decision about it. “The SPD wanted this already in the GroKo, CDU and CSU have prevented it.“