It has been almost two decades as the United States declared a war on terror, and the nation is closing the chapter about its greatest war.

President Joe Biden declared withdrawal of U.S. troops out of Afghanistan by Sept. 11. Still, the Taliban is more powerful than any time since their autumn in 2001. As soldiers return home, the team’s power has increased concerns not just of terror hitting Americans in the home but more so one of the Afghans who live beneath the band’s shadow government, which controls large swaths of the nation.

“It is so tough to keep an eye on plots or people which develop in those very, very distant regions [of the nation ].

The commander was released from prison as part of their U.S.-Taliban thing.

On April 11, the Taliban declared that it would launch 20 Afghan government offenders as part of its commitment to the historic peace agreement with all the U.S..

Since the war started in the aftermath of the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, over 2,400 U.S. soldiers are killed and more than 20,000 service members have been injured, according to a recent analysis from the Watson Institute.

But that cost in money and human lives pales compared to the amount of innocent Afghan civilians murdered in the decadeslong battle: more than 47,000, according to the Watson Institute.

Former defense ministry Tamin Asey states that the Taliban haven’t changed.

“The ideology have not changed. Their international claim to jihad have not changed. They’re more confident of the success and they believe they have conquered the United States and NATO,” explained Asey.

Many are fearful that the country and its army remains too fragile to resist against extremists when they were to return.

Fawzia Koofi, a leading Afghan politician and feminine rights activist, started her political career in Afghanistan 20 decades ago after the collapse of the Taliban. Ever since that time, she’s worked tirelessly to assist Afghan women return to college and pushed for women’s equality in the home and on the job.

Koofi said she is worried her work on women’s prestige is going to be lost following the troops depart.

“I really feel like a great deal of doubt — matters that’ll be unpredictable,” explained Koofi. “Uncertainty in terms of what’s going to happen to the girls.”

She stated that talking against militant groups remains harmful and hundreds of women are targeted. She’d survived two assassination attempts.

Koofi said she worries that the U.S. choice to draw will affect other allies to move outside too.

“It’s become not just a tactical failure for our international friends, however I have to say, plus a moral collapse for our global friends concerning leaving their most important allies in the midst of nowhere and making the choice to leave Afghanistan,” Koofi explained.

Even though the war against the Taliban failed to uproot the militant group, the nation has made enormous strides in the market, education, healthcare and gender equality.

Female enrollment at secondary schools grew from 6 percent in 2003 to 39 percent in 2017.

By 2020, 27 percent of all American members in Afghanistan have been girls, the exact same research found.

In a woman’s high school in Kabul, heaps of teens attend classes everyday, but one female student stated she thinks their capacity to continue their schooling may hang in the balance when the U.S. soldiers depart.

“We are all stressing about quitting of our colleges. My mother went to college, but if the Taliban came to Afghanistan, she wasn’t permitted to go to college,” said the pupil. “She needs me to understand everything I wish to learn. She’s doing everything for us to attend a college and also to learn our research.”