Adolescence is a phase of transition accompanied by numerous physiological and psychological changes when moving from childhood to adulthood. At this stage of life, adolescents experience many physical changes as he/she is approaching puberty and adulthood. These changes are not only evident physically, but it is also taking place in the brain too.

As a result of changes taking place in the brain, behavioral outcomes such as aggression, volatile emotions, and confusion to some extent, adolescents are prone to boundary-testing behavior and might even look to explore personal identity. During this phase, adolescents also experience a transition from dependency to complete independence.

Causes Of Aggression In Adolescents

Many parents complain about more aggressive behavior in there and adolescents. It is a common behavioral outcome as a result of many changes going around. This could occur due to a number of reasons. Parents need to learn to channel adolescents’ energy and handle confusion wisely. This might help your kids to move through this transitional phase safely.

1. Traumatic Event

The traumatic event acts as an emotional stressor and is linked with many behavior outcomes such as fear, anger, and aggression. Mostly events such as death and illness of a close member, violence, rift in family members, fight between parents, and even divorce can seriously harm and damage behavior in children.

It is one of the leading causes that possibly results and is observed in terms of aggression among adolescents.

2. Abuse

Abuse in any form, such as physical or sexual abuse, can directly influence adolescents. This can be explained by the inability of adolescents to understand and identify feelings giving rise to feelings of anger, shame, and aggression. Aggression is a very common outcome if an adolescent has to face physical or sexual abuse.

Thus, they require proper counseling in this regard. Parents should bring up their children, giving them enough knowledge about certain boundaries and limitations. Most of the time, children are unable to tell anybody about such abuse and results in behavioral irritability and aggression.

3. Psychiatric Disorders

Sometimes aggression is the by-product of possible psychiatric disorders in adolescents. Most commonly, adolescents face mental issues such as bipolar disorder, depression, and panic disorders. Studies confirm the direct association between aggressive behavior in children and bipolar disorder.

Such psychiatric disorders usually result from environmental factors, including socioeconomic stress, violence, isolation, emotional trauma, and sexual abuse. If it seems beyond control, then immediately consult a psychiatrist.

4. ADHD: A Learning Disorder

Attention deficit & hyperactivity disorder results in impulsive behavior and hyperactivity among children. It usually develops during childhood and may persist moving on to adulthood. It is very common in the US, as studies report more than 3 million cases of ADHD in the US per year.

This learning disorder causes an inability to process information and makes it hard to learn certain skills. In the case of ADHD, adolescents could not learn to manage emotions and exhibit hyperactivity, and thus aggression is prominent in their behavior.

5. Drug Abuse

Many times adolescents get into alcohol and drug abuse. It is very harmful to the physical and mental health of young bodies. Adolescents might get addicted to drugs without letting anyone know about it. It results in abnormalities in behavior. Aggression is one of such behavioral outcomes.

Family support, love, and treatment are essential to overcome this issue. However, addiction withdrawals are difficult to handle and might even become unbearable for loved ones. Few rehab centers are working for addiction and substance abuse in Las Vegas and many other states in the US. They offer a variety of treatment options.

6. Peer Pressure

It is another important factor that could result in increased aggression among adolescents. Peer pressure has a direct connection with increased violent behavior in youngsters. Peer pressure might lead adolescents to become fearless and get involved in risky activities.

Aggressive behavior and violence are practiced by teens and youngsters for numerous purposes. Mainly it occurs because adolescents might confuse it as a tool to power and authority in the group. Aggression is sometimes used to maintain position in the group. In fee cases, aggression is the outcome of pressure from fellow members.

7. Negligent Parents Supervision

Many times parental vigilance and inability to pay sufficient attention to children’s life results in violent behavior such as aggression. In addition to it, adolescents might come across a bad company and even begin to commit criminal activities.

No matter how busy your schedules are, it is important to take out time for your children. Strong interaction and communication are necessary to avoid behavioral adversities among adolescents.

Possible Ways Out

Though it is difficult to manage aggressive behavior in children, parents have numerous options that can prove helpful for their children to overcome such issues. Some of these ways include:

1. Counselling

If you feel helpless as a parent and find it hard to overcome these behavioral issues in your children, then probably seeking professional assistance might help out. A licensed practitioner can highlight the root causes of aggressive behavior and even help with techniques to overcome this issue.

2. Medications

In case of any psychiatric disorder, it is important to get the problem fixed with the help of medications. Mental disorders such as depression, ADHD, and bipolar disorder are serious medical issues and require medication to keep such disorders under control.

3. Relaxation Techniques

Try to engage your teenagers and adolescents in relaxing activities such as yoga, swimming, tennis, practicing a healthy skincare routine, learning new languages, and other such activities. This is a healthy way to channelize their profound energies. It is also a healthy way to release stress.

Take Away

Adolescence is the age with developmental changes going on at physical and behavioral levels. Aggression is a common issue with many adolescents. Various factors such as trauma, violence, abuse, and peer pressure can trigger aggression in adolescents. Counseling sessions from professional practitioners, medications, and relaxation techniques are some possible solutions to handle this problem wisely.