Implement API calls: Sign-up, sign-in, email verification, password reset, update, delete. Deploy to Amazon AWS Cloud.

What you’ll learn

  • Build a RESTful Web Service with Spring MVC and Spring Boot
  • Learn how to implement User Sign-in functionality

  • Learn how to implement User Sign-up functionality

  • Protect RESTful Web Service with Spring Security Framework
  • Learn how to implement Token-Based Authentication
  • Implement Password Reset and Email Verification features
  • Use Spring Data JPA Query Methods
  • Use Spring Data JPA Native SQL Queries
  • Download and Install MySQL Server on Mac
  • Download and Install MySQL Workbench
  • Download and Install Spring Tool Suite
  • Create new project using Spring Tool Suite and Spring Initializer
  • Download, run and stop Apache Tomcat
  • Deploy RESTful Web Service application to Apache Tomcat
  • Run RESTful Web Service application as a stand along Java application
  • Build and run REST API with Maven
  • Use Postman HTTP client to send HTTP Request to a Web Service endpoints
  • Start up Amazon EC2 server
  • Install Java, MySQL and Apache Tomcat on Amazon AWS EC2 server
  • Deploy RESTful Web Service to Amazon AWS EC2 server
  • Use H2 in-memory database
  • Use H2 database console to preview data in memory database as well as in a stand along MySQL database server
  • Use JUnit 5 to test code
  • Use Rest Assured to test RESTful Web Service endpoint


  • Basic knowledge of Java


This is a very practical video course aimed at beginner Java developers to help them build their very first RESTful Web Service application with Java, Spring MVCSpring Boot and Spring Data JPA to implement features like:

  • User sign-up and User sign-in,
  • Email verification,
  • Password Reset,
  • Get user details API call,
  • Get list of users API call and implement Pagination,
  • Update user details and Delete user details API calls,
  • Learn to secure Web Service endpoints with Spring Security,
  • Learn to use Amazon AWS Simple Email Service(SES) to send and request to confirm user email address,
  • and learn to generate and include the JSON Web Token in HTTP Request.

Students will learn how to use Postman HTTP client software to send: HTTP POST, GET, DELETE and PUT requests, as well as how to set needed HTTP Headers. We will also cover how to:

  • Send data to your RESTful WebService via HTTP Body and,
  • How to pass data via URL Query String and as a Path parameter,
  • How to enable your RESTful Web Service to respond to Cross Origin AJAX HTTP Requests.

You will also learn how to make your RESTful Web Service accept and respond back with JSON or XML media type.

This video course you will learn how to:

  • Download and install Spring Tool Suite(STS),
  • Download and install MySQL server and MySQL Workbench GUI,
  • Download and run Apache Tomcat,
  • Add a specific Apache Tomcat Version to your Spring Tool Suite,
  • User Maven to build and run your project as well as package it into a deployable WAR file,
  • You will also learn how to run your Web Service as a stand along Java application with build-in Tomcat,
  • Deploy your RESTful Web Service to Apache Tomcat as well as,
  • Start up your own Amazon AWS EC2 Service in Amazon Cloud, install Java, MySQL, Tomcat and deploy RESTful Web Service to your very own cloud server.

This video course also covers the H2 in-memory database and teaches how to build RESTful Web Service that stores data in a database without a need to install MySQL or any other database server. You will also learn how to use H2 console to preview data stored in an in-memory database tables or in a MySQL database server.

When it comes to storing data in a database you will learn how to use Spring Data JPA Query Methods as well as Native SQL Queries.

You will also learn how to use JUnit 5 to test your code and how to use one of the most popular test frameworks called Rest Assured to test RESTful Web Service endpoints of your REST Api.

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner Java developers
  • Java developers interested in learning how to Build, Deploy RESTful Web Services
  • Java developers interested in learning how to Test Rest API with Rest Assured framework

Created by Sergey Kargopolov
Last updated 12/2018
English [Auto-generated]

Size: 11.79 GB

Download here: Udemy – RESTful Web Services, Java, Spring Boot, Spring MVC and JPA