If one has taken to heart the dictum that “size matters”, then probably it: With the largest canvas of all time, the British artist Sacha Jafri don’t want to get into the Guinness book of world records, but also of his self-proclaimed Mission of a “Renaissance painting” give monumental proportions – and all for a good purpose that justifies even artistic nearly every medium. In Dubai, where big money meets big ambitions, to think big and the tallest building of the planet, is Sacha Jafri at the right place with his giant Omani factory, which will take the whole history of mankind and, therefore, “The Journey of Humanity” is the name. It covered the entire floor of the ballroom in the Hotel Atlantis The Palm.

Ursula Scheer

editor in the features section.

F. A. Z.

There Jafri was stranded at the beginning of the Corona pandemic and painted, leave for half a year without. The greater the gesture, the stronger the effect is Obvious, the artist who calls himself in literary analogies a “magical realists”, the work in the “stream of consciousness” inspired by Jackson Pollock, covered, with gestural All-over the many superimposed canvases, for which he spent 6300 litres of paint and more than a thousand brushes.

Quite large: 1800 square meters of the plant, which covered the floor of the ballroom in The Atlantis Hotel in Dubai measures. : Image: Reuters

In circular segments, he brought the drawings of children from all over the world, he had asked for submissions on the theme of Isolation and connectedness. Because the children and the artwork is for the benefit of. Now in its seventy – still huge pieces of cut-up paintings of the forty-four-year-olds will be auctioned off in two years, distributed auctions for the benefit of charitable projects that promote education, health, and access to the Internet for the most Recent. About 25 million dollars Jafri hopes to achieve; he is assisted by auxiliary works, the United Nations and of the Emirate of Dubai.

ready to Sell: Divided into seventy parts of The Journey of Humanity is offered for sale in Dubai. : Image: AFP

So he continues what he has done in a somewhat smaller scale, such as in Monaco at the invitation of Prince Albert for Charity projects. Sacha Jafri, made as Eton students with Prince William acquaintance, and later was briefly a model and studied at Oxford, is a High-Society painter par excellence. Without an Agent, it was sold with great success. Stella McCartney, Kate Moss and Jeremy Irons are one of his Fans, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, George Clooney and Madonna to his collectors. The world of contemporary art is degenerated to a single to Hype trimmed money-printing machine, warns he – and the same for themselves and others. Artistically valuable? Which in this case is not decisive. Instead, the following applies: the more, the better.