In the 80 Wiesbaden schools is much to be desired. This applies not only to the lack of fast Internet connections. There is also leaking roofs, pent-up demand when it comes to fire protection, are in need of renovation channels, and the toilets of the school in a state that stinks, literally, to the sky. All of this is the responsibility of the school head of Department Axel Imholz (SPD), which had begun four years ago, the succession of Rose-Lore Scholz (CDU), although he is also responsible for the finances.

Oliver Bock

correspondent of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung for the Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis and Wiesbaden.

F. A. Z. Twitter

in the Meantime, the city has done a lot of the investment and Rehabilitation, due to insufficient financial allocations in previous years to resolve. According to Kay Roman, the head of the municipal education office, were ready for the maintenance of the schools in 2018, 1.5 million euros. In 2019, there were 12.5 and 2020, nearly eleven million euros to repair roofs and sanitize toilets. Satisfied Imholz, that the Budget could be completely exhausted, and even a “reference” was applied, which was also installed. Not the money to bring in the Digitalpakts a number of schools-speed Internet is included.

priority toilet renovation

Until the end of the summer break of nearly 20 schools are in the series. In the renovation Imholz is hoped, also, the progress of a computer-based building management, to detect an impending Investment backlog at an early stage and prevent it. According to Imholz the city decided to go with the money, not only a few schools to prepare, but to focus on how the toilet-refurbishment and easy to use, all schools, so that no one can feel left behind.

Much more money can Wiesbaden for the New buildings and extensions to spend. The 40-page annual report of the Supervisory school authority lists alone 32 construction projects, which were taken in the attack or the planning is so advanced that the excavator can be rolling in soon. A further 17 construction projects are in the Pipeline. Including a gymnasiales “lighthouse project”, such as the construction of the Elisabeth-Selbert-Schule in Dotzheim is. In order to speed up the construction of the school building in Wiesbaden, had Imholz established a “Task Force”, to the representatives of the combing, the school office and the Building Department were dispatched in order to achieve an early project coordination. “It has been well established and proven,” says Imholz.

Lengthy and complicated planning phase

The limiting factor for the construction of the school building were the limits of borrowing, which should not exceed the repayment performance of the city. The school building would be more modest if the city hadn’t found a solution, the Imholz as a “Bypass” means. It is a rental, it works like this: The municipal daughter Wibau built in accordance with the requirements of the city of new school building and rented it out to her then, for the duration of 30 years. Only after that the city takes the property in their possession.

The double to the ways of the commune, says Imholz. The Department of education, but to bear in mind that the planning phase with each new project is always a lengthy and complex, while the construction time is 2.5 to 3.5 years. Stefanie Macoun, head of the Department for the construction of the town hall, due to the time needed for discussions with the school community, the participation of the citizens and the urban land-use planning, as well as the Waiting for the building permit. In addition, the technical complexity is continuously growing.