life In the alien city of New York, and the children of Central Europe to earn his living: For some radical musicians, and has been a model of success, or we say a strategy for artistic Survival. The light guard daydreamer Elliott Sharp, could sing a song better, perhaps: a twelve-bar Blues improvisation, or a twelve-tone string Quartet to compose. Many avant-garde Festivals is not likely to give it to this side of the Atlantic, in any case, on which the attractive bald skull with his headless guitars and a suitcase full of order scores has yet to look. And across the pond, he has acquired since the seventies, in the super-cool Lower East Side scene of Manhattan, the Reputation which made him a sought-after eccentric between all the musical chairs.

Elliott Sharp is the Prime example of a modern artist is omnipresent and categorical, impalpable, with all the waters of the scene is washed, to be without in his art expressions of aseptically grown. The dirty Delta Blues of Hubert Sumlin sticks to his Tapping fingers as the chaos theory or the Fibonacci Numbers on the paper of his compositions. Professional all kinds of trust: an electrical engineer or a Professor of mathematics at Harvard University and curator at the MoMA, the anthropologist in the African Bush, or a lecturer at the Darmstadt summer courses for New music would be him.

Two events in his career characterize him more than any single work from his now stately art catalogue. When he was seventeen, he received a grant from the National Science Foundation for a biological Experiment, he was able to demonstrate the genetic mutations of fruit flies, under the influence of microwaves. At the same time, he received an electric guitar as a gift and the fruit could drive fly up to mischief undisturbed. Since then, scientific interests are struggling in the breast of Elliott Sharp with artistic passion. Not to the detriment of the music. You can shake his sometimes hermetic, sometimes brutal sounds of the head or the ears closed.