German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has warned in her speech on the virtual world economic forum, now in a time of action to enter and China to deal with the pandemic criticized. “Talk, discuss, is important,” Merkel said: “but now it’s about where something is done to the same, together discussed principles.” The pandemic have shown the Strengths and weaknesses in the individual countries. From this, it is important to learn.

Carsten Knop


F. A. Z. Twitter

“At the beginning we, in Germany, the reflex of the us itself,” she said. The pandemic but illustrates how global the world is linked and that the attempt of the permanent foreclosure suggest in such a existential case will fail. There is a need for a multilateral approach. Everything had been discussed in the past few years, at the world economic forum, was correct in this respect.

But it is now on the Action. And multilateralism hot transparency: “it was the beginning of China is not enough.” The same is true for the transfer of data to and by the world health organization. Also, you have to know that global supply chains would not have worked well in the part, not to be broken: “These chains will need to hold for a period of time of great Stress – otherwise, regional protectionism, and this is a big risk.”

Europe’s vulnerability had. in the crisis

shown why it is very important supply chains more secure, if you want to rely on in difficult situations on you With views of the vaccine supply, Merkel said: “Our vulnerability has been shown to be.” Certain ingredients in the future need to be manufactured in Europe. According to your words, the speed can be left in Germany, in addition to desire, “our processes take too long.” Since it is necessary to work to.

On the Foundation of sound finances, it was possible, however, to an unprecedented economic programme in volume of more than 100 billion euros hang up. Parked the lack of digitization would have to be with these resources now. This is according to Merkel to national networking of the health authorities, the digital administration and the education system. “We know we have to,” said Merkel.

the Transfer of The Covd-19 Virus, the people have reminded that the people lived in their natural environment. “We remain dependent on the nature”. All of the major global conventions to sustainability have proved to be absolutely right: “we must be resolute and brave,” said Merkel. The goals that I set out for Europe, could lead Europe to become the first continent, the will by the year 2050 climate-neutral.