enable A new view on the Sars Coronavirus 2 images that have won a team of researchers from the universities of Bielefeld and Gießen. The scientists Natalie Frese examined the Covid-19-excitation with a Helium-ion microscope. After Freses words allow the pictures to understand the Interplay between Virus and host cell is better.

Sascha Zoske

sheet-makers in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

The researchers from the kidney tissue of monkeys with Sars infected-CoV-2, and the samples are then micro-copied. With your method could detect whether the virus had actually docked at the cell or only auflägen, reports Frese and her colleagues. It is important to understand defensive strategies against the Virus. An infected cell can bind to viruses that have in their Interior increases, the Leakage to the cell membrane and so prevent them from spread further, explain Frese and her colleague Friedemann Weber of the University of Giessen.

Higher resolution and greater depth of field

until now, the approximately 100-nm small virus particles were analyzed with scanning electron microscopes. These keys infected cells with an electron beam, in order to make the virus on the cell surface visible. The disadvantage is that the sample is charging electrically. Thus, the current can flow, it is plated with a conductive Material, such as a thin layer of gold. Thus, their surface structure changes.