Many readers are concerned about the question of which value is actually your house or your apartment in case of inheritance are recognized. The strong rise in real estate prices of the last years lead to more and more real estate tax obligation. Tax-free inherited real estate, if you are inhabited by the spouses or the children for at least another ten years.

Daniel Mohr

editor in the economy of the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper.

F. A. Z.

In children, the tax exemption only in the immediate catchment, and a maximum of 200 square feet of living space is. Otherwise, the usual amounts of inheritance tax of EUR 500,000 for the spouse, € 400,000 per child, in General EUR 200,000 per grandchild, 100,000 Euro per great-grandchildren, and for parents and grandparents, and 20,000 Euro for all the others.

If the property does not exceed the limits and, thus, inheritance tax is incurred, the tax office about a value according to the valuation law. The 263 paragraphs and shows that the matter is trivial. If you are interested in a specific value approach of the tax office for the house, you can hire a tax consultant with the investigation.

Not too quickly

shows that the determined values are often less than the current sale values in the Region. This is due to the in many places, rapidly rising real estate prices, which are mapped from the financial offices at most with a delay. The Council of lawyers and tax consultants, therefore, wait for: the sale of inherited real estate until the control procedure is completed, otherwise, the tax office is a business oriented value with its tax assessment on the actually achieved sales.

to Whom the displayed value in the financial office high, can hire an appraiser and try to convince the tax office is of a lower value. This can be worthwhile. The above the free allowances of profound inheritance tax rates are, depending on the asset and the degree of relationship is usually between 7 and 30 percent, rarely at 50 percent.