The Los Angeles Times reports that five guys and one girl were viewed on video surveillance about 1:15 p.m.. When a police officer came, they might see the group go down the steep terrain toward the famous Mulholland Drive.

Officers met them in the base and their identities haven’t yet been declared.

The episode can’t be categorized as vandalism”since the signal was not ruined,” Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Capt. Steve Lurie, the Hollywood area commander stated, each the socket .

Based on Deadline, among those arrestees told an officer that the gag was completed in a bid to increase awareness for breast cancer.

Moreover, the socket reports that police presence is going to be raised for many days and weeks due to the incident.

The signal isn’t available to the general public, though people may stop by the surrounding Griffith Park. The signal is preserved by a group known as the Hollywood Sign Trust.

A rep to the hope told the LA Times the LAPD’s rapid answer was valued.

Trust chairman Mark Panatier explained that changing the signal is wrong regardless of the reason, and added:”It is unfortunate that this important icon for the city of LA isn’t being valued.”

“This is a legend that is there for visual reinforcement of the significance of Hollywood, not only for the town of L.A. but into the entire world,” he explained. “It has to be maintained, and it does not have to be demeaned.”