On the open road, shot in the night to Monday, a man in Wiesbaden Westend and his estranged wife, and her sister severely injured. Then he killed himself. According to the criminal police and the public Prosecutor’s office, it came against 3.45 clock on the corrugated Ritz street to the violence. To this date, the first emergency calls to the police, several callers reported the Central several shots.

Oliver Bock

correspondent of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung for the Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis and Wiesbaden.

F. A. Z. Twitter

a short time later arriving police officers found two lying on the street, by gunfire and seriously injured persons. Despite the Attempts of the rescue workers to revive the two severely injured, died the 49 years old woman and the 56-year-old man still at the scene. There, the officers found a 48-year-old, also by gunfire and seriously injured a woman. She was taken to a hospital on Monday morning, it was there, she was, despite the gunshot wounds to the head out of danger.

police officers headed to his house

specialists in forensics and criminal investigation officers were with a large contingent on site. Also in the late morning, the corrugated Ritz road between the entrance to the community street and the intersection was cordoned off with the help of Helene roads. Who lives in this street, was directed by police officers to his house. Passers-by who wanted to one of the grocery stores visited, were dismissed. To see it was not for a handful of onlookers who had gathered in front of the Barrier, much. In the night something none of them had seen. The greater part of the corrugated Ritz road offered also on Monday, the familiar image, even if under the conditions of the Corona pandemic, with mostly closed shops.

F. A. Z.-Newsletter “Hauptwache”

So the day begins in Frankfurt and Rhine-Main: the most Important points in brief, with References to mobile speed cameras, road closures, and restaurants.

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According to the previous investigation, the public Prosecutor’s office is a “family drama”. The two Killed are a married couple who were separated recently. The head-injured woman is the sister of the Slain. Other people were not involved according to the current state of the investigation in what has Happened. The killed woman is supposed to have said, after only a few weeks ago her husband separated. The night of the Crime, you should be together with your sister on the road, as the two met at the man. Unclear remains whether it was a random encounter, or whether the man had ambushed the men. Also the question of where he got the firearm, is still unanswered. The Prosecutor’s office wanted to give on Monday first, no further information. For Tuesday a post-mortem examination of the dead is planned.