the thaw and rain in the southern half of Germany, the water levels continue to rise. In many places, were exceeded at the weekend, the first high-water marks, the ship’s travel on some routes set. In the coming days, milder air set in from the southwest, the additional precipitation will bring with it, said DWD meteorologist on Sunday.

has been exceeded Because at the gauges Maxau and Speyer, the marine high water mark II, was set the shipping in the amount of Wörth and Karlsruhe. Further downstream, between Speyer and Cologne, Germany, has exceeded the high water mark I. Ships had to comply with a maximum speed of 20 kilometres per hour and, if possible, in the middle of the fairway to stay.

a thaw in the state of Baden-Württemberg

In Sinsheim, Germany (Rhein-Neckar-Kreis) collapsed on Sunday morning, parts of a wall on state road 39. According to police, the road will probably remain until Sunday evening completely blocked. According to police spokesman, the cause was initially unclear, but it is possible that the wall had been undermined by the masses of water below. In addition, the thaw had taken care of until Saturday morning, especially in the South of Baden-württemberg for widespread high water levels. In many places, the level is increased according to the flood forecast centre (HVZ) say on a range that is statistically reached once seen in two years.

A family is a flooded shore road on the banks of the Moselle, which leads to the old town of Koblenz. : Image: dpa

The police reported numerous flooded roads on lake Constance and in upper Swabia. Especially the places Friedrichshafen, Salem, Deggenhausertal and the sea castle were affected. In Bad Wurzach, Germany, a section of the Federal highway 465 was blocked completely.

According to the PTP, the water levels were on Sunday for the most part, falling. According to information from the German weather service, the rain on Sunday a temporary break, he should be in on Monday night but come back stronger. In the southern black forest, the forecasters expect a melt up in the night to Tuesday, with persistent rain and snow. In the result, could increase, according to the HVZ of the water in the rivers again on Monday.

The display of the water level Ruhrort in Duisburg, Germany, shows a water level of the Rhine of 7.85 meters. : Image: dpa

in the Mosel and the Rhine the level

Above Trier and on the lower Moselle river to rise, you can expect stalls until Monday morning, with the rising water. On the Moselle river, the waterway was blocked, said a spokeswoman for the Directorate-General for waterways and shipping in Bonn.

The high water information service of the North Rhine Westphalia state environmental Agency calculated for the Rhine-level of Cologne in the course of Tuesday, with a peak of 8.50 meters. Then the would be exceeded high-water mark II from 8.30, and the ship traffic would have to be set. First flood gates to the old city will be closed according to the planning of city water at a water level of 8.10 meters.

In the state of Hesse are resulting from the melting of snow and persistent rainfall, many rivers burst the banks as it is here in Rüdesheim am Rhein. : Image: dpa

The Assembly is expected to start, according to the DWD in the North, cloudy and dry. Otherwise, rain falls in the West and southwest, from the Münsterland to the North East of Bavaria, as well as in higher layers of snow, locally-freezing with ice on the road. In the night to Tuesday it remains in the North, cloudy or low-cloudy, partly clear and precipitation-free. Otherwise it will be partly cloudy and mostly strong or covered with light rain. Of North Rhine-Westphalia to Brandenburg and Saxony, snow, or freezing rain with a smoothness is possible.

avalanche victims in Tirol

Particularly dangerous. the snow masses on the weekend, once again, in Austria and in Switzerland In Tirol Disposals were killed in two Avalanche of a German Teenager and an Austrian. The avalanches triggered on Saturday in Kühtai and Axamer Lizum, as the police reported. Overall, the avalanche warning service reported in Tirol seven avalanches in which people were affected. Apart from the two fatal accidents, no one was but injured. There was however “considerable avalanche danger”, level three on the five-point scale. In the case of the German victim according to police, a 16-year-old native of Munich, who lived in Innsbruck, Austria.