If you’re a small business owner or manufacturer, then you’ve already put in tons of work hours building your brand’s reputation. A company’s identity should be synonymous with customer recognition, and packaging could be an important deciding factor. Here, we will look at some of the ins and outs of assessing and improving your brand’s packaging and the positive effects it can have on representing your business as a whole.

First Impressions and Logo Designs

Your product doesn’t have a long time to grab attention. When seeing it for the first time, the color scheme should leave an impression on a potential customer. Some believe that color can account for half of the reason a customer chooses one company over the other. Vibrant and distinctive tones on your shrink sleeve labels and packaging should also indicate the purpose of the product without being a distraction.

For example, Home Depot’s selection of orange and tan designs are two colors associated with construction and hardware. When you work with a company to handle your packaging and shipping, you’ll be able to provide high-res version of your designs for their label machines and Shrink Sleeve Machine to replicate on all products being packaged and sent to mail-order customers.

Simple can be memorable.

Ideally, you’ll be using your logo for an extended period of time. With the logo and product name, keep it simple and clear. There’s no need for too many words and explanation in the package’s logo. Clear concepts and images are easy for your target demographic to immediately understand, with the added perks of repeat customers and brand loyalty. Once specific logos, typography, and images are clearly associated with your business, you can display it on all product containers, social media, websites, and advertising campaigns. Your logo should also be eye-catching, however, as screen time factors into product recognition.

Many business leaders have become telecommuters, saving on real estate for manufacturing workspace. In fact, you can run much of your business’ work day chores right out of your bedroom on your laptop. With remote work and home office space becoming more popular with small business leaders (due largely to Covid-19 and social distancing), or if you’re working at home while your home is being worked on, you may need to employ a third-party company for bulk packaging and shipping, but your logo and branding imagery should be secure for any materials sent out. You can always direct your packaging manager with a conference call on Zoom.

Consistency in packaging builds trust.


Customers don’t want to spend too much time searching for their favorite items. Once you’ve settled on a design, and your business’ branding identity is established, it’s important that you maintain a routine of consistency by using those same high quality designs and logo themes on your shipping packaging. As a small business owner, you’ll have the option of running a work environment out of a home office that, perhaps, includes a manufacturing setup for shipping home orders. However, keeping your inventory in the living room and kitchen can disrupt a business owner’s home life, making it necessary to hire an independent shipping company equipped with complete systems to handle the branding designs on every item sent out. Allocating these elements saves for your workspace and cuts down on your seemingly endless errands. At the end of the day, it saves you from stress from worrying about product deliveries.

On that note, your brand packaging should make sense to the product itself. A more durable container for beverage or liquid items ensures the package will not only make it through the conveyors and shrink tunnel but will arrive safely to your customer. The best way to guarantee shipping safety is to select a packaging shape that’s easily transported. A wide variety of industries use memorable shapes for packaging as part of the branding, but make sure the shipping design makes sense for safe product delivery.