To 23.00 (00.00 GMT), rang the bell of Big Ben the new Chapter in the history of the country: After 47 years as part of the European community of States was great Britain’s final withdrawal from the EU. At midnight (CET) entered into force in a Post-Brexit-agreement in force, to avoid a hard economic rupture between Britain and the EU. At the Eurotunnel Terminal in Calais, French officials began at midnight with the implementation of the new customs formalities, starting with a Truck that came from Romania, and Mail and parcels transported. At midnight (CET) entered into force in a Post-Brexit-agreement in force, to avoid a hard economic rupture between Britain and the EU.

“We hold our freedom in our hands and it is up to us to make the Best of it,” said Johnson on Thursday evening in his new year’s address. The United Kingdom could have things in the future “in a different, and, if necessary, better – than our friends in the EU,” said Johnson. The country is able to enter into “trade agreements around the world”.

The tabloid “Daily Express” is showed on the front page of its Friday edition, the British flag with the lettering “liberty” and the headline: “Our future. Our Great Britain. Our Destiny“. A little more cautious, the left-liberal daily newspaper “The Guardian put it:’ In the crisis, without Fanfare, the United Kingdom, finally, the European Era.” Johnson’s euphoria and the Brexit supporters, the Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon is not said: “Scotland will soon be in Europe again,” she wrote on Twitter. Sturgeon is determined, a new Referendum on independence from the United Kingdom to hold.

No celebrations because of Corona limitations

the United Kingdom was 1. February come out as the first country in the history of the European community of States from the EU. At that time, the “Brexiteers celebrated” exit from the EU on the streets, while opponents of the Brexit lit vigils held, and candles. In this year, no public events or celebrations are planned because of the Corona pandemic.

regulates The Post-Brexit agreement, the numerous trade and customs issues, it was only at the last Minute on the 24. December has been agreed. The agreement is intended to prevent Chaos in the mutual economic relations – without the Deal from Friday, delivery problems, and the long border was threatened by congestion.

From Brussels, spoke in the night to Friday, none of the leaders of the European institutions to the word. For a regular process of ratification of the approval by the EU Parliament, the time is not filed until the end of the year. Therefore, the agreed rules are to 28 first, at least until the. February, on a transitional basis be applied.