After racism allegations has given the West German radio (WDR) error in the latest edition of the TV show “The last instance”. The WDR wrote this Sunday on Twitter, the broadcast had not gone, “how we planned it and we had imagined”. In the panel discussion with Moderator Steffen show. on Friday evening, the guests Micky beisenherz, Thomas Gottschalk, Janine Kunze and Jürgen Milski had discussed current social issues, including the question: “the end of the Gypsy sauce: Is this a necessary step?”

On Twitter, many viewers reacted with disgust after that the guests were “empathielos”, “handled uncritical” and “naïve” with the issue of everyday racism and racist terms had defended. Also, the fact that a discussion about racism, only white guests were invited in the talk-show circuit, has been heavily criticized.

The WDR wrote on Twitter, in the “last instance” should be discussed controversial topics in an entertaining way, and each guest should, of course, his opinion. “But in retrospect, it is clear to us: With such a sensitive subject is not necessarily for people to join in the discussion could bring in other perspectives and/or directly affected,” it said in the opinion. “From this we have learned in every case,” said a CTR spokesperson for the German press Agency.