The prior “Saturday Night Live” mainstay and ex-Minnesota senator is a man about town again, spotted last weekend in a Fairway grocery store in his old stomping grounds — the Upper West Side.

A tipster called Amy shared two photos of a disguised Franken — outfitted in jeans, black flannel shirt and black coat — with the West Side Rag. In one, he is providing an elbow pump into a well-wisher; the other is a portrait.

The celebrity of SNL’s”Stuart Smalley” skits did not provide his curious neighbors a daily affirmation of his political leanings, or react to the Post’s multiple requests for comment.

Franken, who turns 70 in May, was surrounded by”a steady stream of politically passionate Upper West Side well-wishers,” Amy told the website.

She added that she did not inquire the Democratic politician-turned-podcaster whether he was only visiting or sticking in town,”but it is apparent [he] would be welcomed back”

Franken was born from town but moved with his family to Minnesota when he was 4. He returned as a young man, when his career as a comedian was booming, and dwelt in a couple of neighborhoods prior to buying a co-op in 90 Riverside Drive, which he offered in 2014.

He headed to Minneapolis from the mid-2000s to run for Congress. He served nine years in the Senate before stepping down in January 2018 after a string of girls accused him of sexual misconduct. New York’s Kirsten Gillibrand was the first Democratic senator to call on him to resign.

Nearly three dozen readers weighed in on the Franken sighting.

“MAYOR FRANKEN,” shouted one.

“He must run for Mayor,” another submitted.

And still another:”We miss you, Senator Franken! Mayor Franken? Hmmmm…interesting thought. Consider it, please?!”

Others believed Franken should make a Senate bidding from New York.

“I hope he moves back to NYC and runs against Gillibrand for senate. She is responsible for his resigning,” one wrote.