Substance abuse causes several harmful effects on the body and brain. A medically supervised Drug or Alcohol Rehab program is vital for the treatment of drug and alcohol abuse. If you try to detox yourself at home without medical assistance, you may face several fatal withdrawal symptoms. For example; tremors, anxiety, depression, and even seizures. These symptoms may vary from person to person depending upon the factors like:

  • Regular average dose.
  • Drug history.
  • How frequent operation takes a drug.
  • Medical and mental health history.

The occurrence of withdrawal symptoms is likely to be more in people who attempt to detox themselves at home than the people who get medically assisted Detox therapy. Those who are unable to complete Detox have higher chances of permanent body damage and drug overdose.

Ease Withdrawal Symptoms With Prescribed Medication

The primary reason for using the medication in a drug Detox program is to tackle the withdrawal symptoms that may range from mild to fatal. These medications help a person’s brain to stabilize, keep the patient physically and mentally safe, help the immune to fight against the withdrawal symptoms, and reduce the chances of relapse.

Withdrawal symptoms treated by medication are:

  • Anxiety.
  • Hallucination.
  • Seizures.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Vomiting and depression.
  • Hyperventilation.
  • Heart palpitation.
  • Suicide thoughts and many more.

How long does the Drug Detox last?

The therapy time depends upon the nature of substance abuse; the amount of substance consumed, and its time duration. It also depends upon the physical and mental health of a person when they joined the Detox program. People with a positive attitude and high motivation are able to recover faster. They handle the withdrawal symptoms better than the people who are demotivated about their recovery and reluctant to quit.

If a person is consuming different drugs on a regular basis and suffering from mental health issues, then their Detox may take longer; let say 3 to 6 months or more. In general, the Detox program takes anywhere from 1 to 3 months, or long according to the current state of a person.

What after Detox?

A detox program is the first and foremost step to overcome alcohol or drug use disorder; it is a great way to live a happier and healthy life. After completing the therapy, A person can move back to their home and live the rest of their life soberly. Although, it is difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle and not get back into the old life-threatening substance use habits.

If you want to make sure that you will live the rest of your life without a substance addiction, you can go for aftercare therapies and keep yourself free from the bad distractions and temptations.

May Help To Uncover and The Co-occurring Disorders

Many people with drug abuse disorder suffer from co-occurring mental health conditions. Unfortunately, only a few of them get to know that the symptoms may be suppressed due to substance abuse. For instance; a person who abuses the heroine suffers from abdominal pain associated with hepatitis. A medically supervised detox will reveal the underlying health conditions. Likewise, prolonged abuse of drugs like alcohol and meth can cause seizures.

Take An Action and Empower Yourself

In rehab, the medical team designs customized treatment plans for every person to overcome the physical and mental health issues caused due to substance abuse. This treatment plan includes therapies and medication. A comprehensive alcohol rehab program is tailored according to the psychological and physical needs of a person. Every program is supervised 24/7 by medical experts. One can successfully mitigate the danger of withdrawal symptoms with proper care and medical supervision; which you can only get in the Rehab Centre.

Be a part of a safe and supportive environment and find your way back to sobriety.