In the waning hours of the period in office, President Donald Trump late Tuesday issued a last batch of pardons and commutations into some team that included former White House strategist Steve Bannon along with two other longtime political allies, Elliott Broidy and Paul Erickson, in a move which will further afield Trump’s heritage of utilizing his sweeping presidential powers to gain his inner group.

The most recent batch of titles, published by the White House on Trump’s closing night as president, given 73 pardons and commuted all or any a portion of this sentence of 70 other people, after Trump had issued a few dozen such directives lately.

The very notable recipient is Bannon, that functioned as an executive in Breitbart before linking Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, then was indicted last August on fees tied into an alleged conspiracy to commit wire fraud and money laundering associated with some crowdfunding attempt to construct a wall across the U.S.-Mexico border.

Bannon was largely from Trump’s orbit until lately, when reports surfaced he was contributing to the president’s post-election plan.

Prosecutors have accused Bannon of defrauding thousands and thousands of donors into the”We Build the Wall” fundraising effort by falsely asserting he and other organizers wouldn’t require a reduction of any given funds. Investigators allege that organizers of this group, such as Bannon, were syphoning off at $1 million to their personal expenses, according to prosecutors.

Bannon has repeatedly asserted that his activities were just supposed to support of their president but in an ironic twist, a lot of those who had been allegedly defrauded were one of the president’s most fervent rank-and-file supporters.

For his role, Bannon predicted his arrest — that happened over the summer on a ship docked in Westport, Connecticut — a”political hit job.”

Broidy is a California financier who emerged as a leading Trump design in 2016. He consented to plead guilty from October to prohibited lobbying for overseas interests as part of a huge federal investigation into the embezzlement of a Malaysian autonomous wealth finance.

Prosecutors were exploring Broidy for supposedly lobbying the Trump government to drop their investigation to a guy billed as the alleged mastermind of this 4.5 billion foreign fraud strategy.

Trump’s pardon for Erickson, 59, comes because the experienced Republican Profession in South Dakota had started working out an 84-month sentence at a Minnesota federal prison this past year. He’d pleaded guilty to defrauding investors within an oil venture after being indicted on a variety of fraud fees.

The veteran conservative literary gained national attention earlier from the Trump presidency because the love interest of condemned Russian representative Maria Butina, a gun-toting Second Amendment activist who had been almost 30 years his junior. Erickson assisted Butina gain entry to a selection of high-profile political characters because she was employed as a covert overseas broker. Prosecutors called it a”duplicitous connection,” and Butina afterwards pleaded guilty and was finally allowed to come home to Russia.

Erickson wasn’t charged with any wrongdoing at Butina’s situation, along with his lawyer said in the time that Erickson”a fantastic American” that”hasn’t done anything to harm our nation and never would.”

After finding no grounds to charge him with any crimes connected to relations with Russia, he had been charged with a small financial offense,” browse the White House announcement. “This pardon helps the wrongs of what was shown to be possibly the best witch hunt in American History”

At least one receiver in Trump’s final batch of pardons supposedly paid”thousands of dollars” into the president’s former attorney for help procuring it, based on The New York Times.

William T. Walters, who had been convicted of insider trading charges, allegedly searched the assistance of Trump’s former private lawyer, John Dowd, who”promoted himself” as somebody who may use his access to the White House to secure the pardon for Walters along with other convicted felons, according to the Times. Dowd denied he had used his access to reception for pardons.

Bannon, Broidy and Erickson combine a long list of former Trump allies and fans to get their private travails squashed through Trump’s intervention.

In the last months of his presidency, Trump had issued pardons or commutations into heaps of associates of his own inner circle, including his former national security advisor Michael Flynn, his longtime friend Roger Stone, his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, along with his former campaign adviser George Papadopoulos.

Trump’s usage of this pardon for members of the inner group has got backlash from critics. But previous presidents also have benefit from sweeping powers to pardon friends and partners in their last weeks in office.

President George H.W. Bush, by way of instance, issued pardons to many Reagan-era officials caught up in the Iran-Contra scandal before his departure from office.