A group of Republican senators announced opposition to the confirmation of the outcome of the American presidential election by the Congress. At the meeting on Wednesday you want to challenge the establishment of a Commission of inquiry to undertake a ten-day audit of the election result, as you told on Saturday. The statement was signed by seven incumbent senators, among them Ted Cruz, and four elected Senate members. They spoke of alleged electoral fraud and irregularities.

At the joint meeting of the house of representatives and the Senate, the electoral victory of the Democrats, Joe Biden, is to be formally confirmed. Previously, the Republican Senator Josh Hawley from Missouri had announced plans to appeal. Around one hundred members of the house of representatives want Biden to refuse the recognition. The initiatives could delay the final confirmation of Biden’s victory in time. Prospect of success, however they do not have.

Historically, the confirmation of the election winner, is regarded as a formality. The outgoing President of the Trump refuses, however, his defeat to recognize. In the past few months, he made numerous claims about alleged election fraud without evidence to submit. The Republican majority leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, had congratulated Biden on his election victory, after the American election the people had confirmed in mid-December, his victory over incumbent Donald Trump. McConnell urged his party colleagues to confirm Biden’s victory at the meeting on Wednesday.

Nancy Pelosi for reelection as speaker of the house of representatives

in Parallel to the vote on a new President, the house of representatives was re-elected in November, about a third of the seats in the Senate were also put to the vote. In the house of representatives, the Democrats were defending their majority in the election, if only barely. In the Senate elections, two Senate decides when it is stitch seats in the us state of Georgia on Tuesday, who now has the Say in the chamber. It is unclear whether the Republicans keep their majority in the Senate and the future democratic President, Joe Biden, so in the case of projects in the way of that may place, or whether the Democrats take the second Congress of the chamber.

The two Congress chambers, for the first time in a new constellation, in separate sessions (from 18.00 CET). In the house of representatives, the election is the influence of top items in the chamber: The former democratic Chairman, Nancy Pelosi, stands for re-election. They had controlled their party already in the past two years as Chairman of the house of representatives by the second half of trump’s tenure as the politically most powerful woman in America, and as the main opponent of the Republicans. From 2007 to 2011, she was once Chairman of the Congress chamber. At that time, she became the first woman in the history of the country to the Post. The now 80-Year-old has indicated that this is likely to be their last term at the helm of the house of representatives.