Perhaps it is the fear that in the future legions of vaccinated pensioners pleasure in cafes and cruises leave, while the Rest of the population a pandemic is still in the middle of the Corona: Anyway, the voices that want to ban any privileges for Vaccinated by law are increasing. The dispute adds to the already existing conflict over the distribution of scarce vaccine.

But first it needs to show whether the currently available vaccines protect at all against the Virus to pass on. Only if it is clear that a Vaccinated and not contagion risk, can be derived from it follow. And also in another place Wait and see is needed: as Long as the capacities are limited and the Vaccination itself is a privilege, is represented in a better position to have.

But at some point in the hopefully near future there will be sufficient capacity. The issue of vaccination will then be only a personal one. Who can give ale – Draper, theatre, and cinema operators that they are to keep their institutions closed and state aid?

From the principle of equality of the basic law, it follows that the same should not be equal, but also Unequal, not without reason, treated in the same way. A citizen, of the there is no contagion risk more, to derive the law, that he is not more rules under the protection against Infection.