When you have an update for your clients, you need to make sure that it is getting out to them as promptly as possible. With a quick explanation, your customers are going to be able to implement the update as quickly as they can. Let’s take a look at why it is so important that you are prompt.

Easy to Do

One of the primary reasons why you need to be prompt is because it is so easy to do. The sooner you can let your clients know about your next moves, the sooner that they are going to be able to react to them and make changes. You need to make sure that you are preparing a message to send out with them right alongside the update.

The fastest way to do so is often through email. You can set up a message to be sent out that will go in time with the update going live. There are many guides on how to send a mass email in Gmail and other email systems, so you should have no trouble learning how to best prepare such an announcement.

A Window to Respond

While some clients are going to be able to jump in and start using the update with little to no issue, there is no guarantee that most are going to be able to do so smoothly. If you have had a major update that is going to change a lot for your clients, they might even want to ask you certain questions to ensure that they have the right grasp on these new functions.

If you are able to provide them with a quick response and point of contact, they are going to be able to reach out for advice as and when they need it. This could be crucial in maintaining a close connection between you and your customers.

Ongoing Support

A client might initially have no issues with your update, only to discover some further down the road. As a result, you need to make sure that the option for ongoing support should they need it.

Quick responses are always going to be key here, as they always are. Setting up automatic replies is a must, as it gives your customers a guarantee that their query has been seen, but you should also aim to reply to them as quickly as possible. Try to set up a response time of no longer than 24 hours for your customer service team. Ideally, you want them to be able to reply within the same day to open the conversation.

Being prompt in the world of business is always a good marker for a company. When sending out updates to customers, you need to make sure that an explanation follows in a timely fashion. Build yourself a reputation as a company that wants to reach out and open conversations with its customers. This is always going to be a good position for you to occupy.