The Corona-pandemic is for many couples a stress test – but it can also be used as an opportunity. A recent study by the Dating service elite partner shows that Corona is strengthening for many couples, the love even. So 48 percent of the more than 2000 respondents in couples reported to lead to better and deeper conversations than before the crisis. Every fourth Couple (28 percent) also discovered common Hobbies and rituals, 18 percent of the couples also reported to have more Sex. In Couples under 30 years of age, particularly from a more active love life: In the case of more than one-third of the excess energy flows thus into the sex life.

The Corona-crisis has no impact but only a positive effect on our love life. Every fifth Couple is reported according to the study, to have Corona more arguing. Especially the younger couples together, got apparently in crisis more often. The under-30 – Year-old the relationship pandemic is due to more frequently than older couples on the Brink. The result: Every tenth Couple under 30 years of age considered at present to separate.

Many young couples are drawn together

A reason for this increased value in the case of many young couples, the spontaneous merging of their households. Each of the fourth Pair, under 30, and every eighth Couple in their thirties, according to the survey, during the pandemic, permanently or on a transitional basis, moved in together. In General, it is younger and fresher partnered couples, it’s easier to take advantage of the opportunities positive – but they are also more prone to negative consequences.

Meanwhile, the pandemic couples plunges into a crisis, which for quite a while together: Among the surveyed couples who are in a relationship of three to five years, superior to the currently twelve-percent, to leave. Long-term pairs of the crisis, however, seems quite indifferent. Just 12 per cent of Partnered for more than 20 years, fought in the Corona-time more frequently, and only three percent of these couples are considering a separation.

Corona affects children planning, and wedding plans

In Corona not only characterises the decision for a common household. 7 percent of couples have decided due to Corona for a (nother) child, 9 percent against it. In total, every sixth Couple has adapted the children’s planning in the light of their experiences in the crisis.