On the Galapagos Islands has been discovered in a rare, completely white penguin. The animal might have a genetic Defect, informed the Galapagos national Park on Thursday. The genetic defect, known as Leukismus, caused a “partial loss of pigmentation in the Plumage, while the color of the eyes remains, in contrast to Albinos normal”. The Galapagos penguin has been sighted, therefore, a week ago, on the island of Isabela.

According to the national parks have been identified on the Galapagos Islands are already cases of albinism or Leukismus in the case of sharks, lizards, lobsters and finches, but never a Galapagos penguin.

The Galapagos penguins are only up to 35 inches tall and belong to the smallest representatives of their kind. they are Also the only penguin species that lives on the Equator.

The Galapagos Islands, since 1979 a Unesco world heritage site. The unique animal and plant world of the island inspired by the British researcher Charles Darwin to develop his theory of evolution. The protected island group is located about a thousand kilometers off the coast of Ecuador. It gets its name from the locals of the Galapagos giant tortoises.