Acupuncture is an ancient, traditional Chinese treatment that has since gained some traction in the west. The theory behind it suggests that disease is caused by a blockage in the body’s chi. Through the precise application of heat, pressure, and needles to specific points in the body, your chi can be released or redirected to relieve pain and illness.

In recent years, acupuncture is an increasingly popular treatment for different health problems, such as chronic pain. In practical terms, acupuncture works by pressing needles into your skin at various points of the body to stimulate the release of the body’s natural painkillers. For back pain, these areas (also known as meridians) include the lower back, hands and feet, and back of the knees. This stimulates the brain and nervous system to relieve pain. Acupuncture reduces stress and also provides pain relief for other neuromuscular issues for which there may not be many pain relief options, including fibromyalgia, sciatica, and TMJ.

How acupuncture works exactly is not completely understood, but there are some ways that it’s thought to work, including:

  • Stimulating the nervous system
  • Releasing opioid-like chemicals in the body
  • Releasing neurotransmitters
  • Triggering electromagnetic impulses

Studies suggest that acupuncture is an effective treatment for most forms of chronic pain, such as back and neck pain and arthritis. Many studies also indicate that the use of needles triggers the production of endorphins, which helps alleviate pain. Furthermore, other research done in animals has found that acupuncture also balances brain neurons and releases serotonin and norepinephrine, which help treat depression, anxiety, and addiction. Many patients report feeling a general sense of well-being, which may be due to the release of those hormones helping them stay more well-adjusted.

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Photo Credit: Alterio Felines | Pixabay

While acupuncture in Mississauga provides effective pain relief, it’s also important to note how long it stays effective. In many cases, relief from chronic pain can last for several days, and up to several months. One of the tricks to getting more out of acupuncture is finding an acupuncturist you feel comfortable with.

Acupuncturists have different styles, and not every style is a good fit for every patient. The right acupuncturist can do much to help you feel relaxed and at ease, which can make a world of difference when it comes to getting that pain relief. Some other things to keep in mind include:

  • Providing complete information

    Acupuncture is a holistic therapy, and as such, acupuncturists also have an interest in how the body functions as a whole. The more information you provide your acupuncturist at a physiotherapy in North York, the easier it is to create an individualized treatment plan.

  • Continuing to relax after treatment

    To get the most out of a session, it’s crucial to set aside enough time to relax afterward. Acupuncture starts a healing process that continues after you leave the office, so it pays to take it easy for the day to encourage recovery.

  • Staying hydrated

    Getting enough water every day is another vital part of stimulating the healing process. Take plenty of water to rehydrate after an acupuncture session to optimize the treatment’s effects.

In spite of using needles, acupuncture is a safe procedure with a low risk of complications. Any risk of blood-borne infections, in particular, is greatly reduced thanks to the advent of sealed, single-use needle packages. Ultimately, the trick is to find a licensed and certified acupuncture practitioner who knows what they’re doing.