this year, which so far has been so poor in opportunities to Develop anticipation, you over at every opportunity for mood-lifting musings grateful. And so it is hardly surprising that the announcement of the American space Agency Nasa last Wednesday, they will announce in the following week, an “exciting new discovery about the moon”, caused some resonance. It will, so much has been betrayed, a phenomenon go, that is in the optical light invisible. Well, that could apply to many things: yet invisible moon bases, newly discovered cute moon animals, perhaps even the true nature of the Erdbegleiters as secret death star?

The old rule of thumb is that anticipation is the greatest joy, it was confirmed, however, on Monday evening with the announcement of the supposed Sensation again. Dirty water on the moon found Nasa. Admittedly, this is quite gratifying and also a little bit surprising. Even if the existence of water on the moon had already been in 2008 by the discovery of water molecules in rocks of the Apollo samples-missions near and in subsequent years by further observations further supported placed. In particular, the Moon Mineralogy Mapper, Nasa had confirmed 2018, that the lunar pole ice house.

the Sofia Observatory, one of Nasa and the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt (DLR) operated Boeing 747SP with an infrared telescope on Board, a clear, water – suggestive absorption line at 6 micro-meters near the far southern Clavius has found crater. Special: While previous infrared observations have already been able to find an absorption line at 3 micro-meters, which was due both to water as well as Compounds of Hydroxyl (OH), can be explained by Sofia observed line only by water. On average, they would point to the existence of 200 micro-grams of H₂O per gram of moon debris, is described in “Nature Astronomy”. It was probably enclosed in glass and screw-in meteorites from existing lunar materials were micro emerged.