Particularly appetizing, he actually looks. He is more of a bit unsightly with its green-brown skin and the crooked root approaches. However, in contrast to this, the outer appearance of the celeriac is one of the most versatile and flavors of most vegetables at all. In him numerous vitamins and minerals that have established its reputation as a health – promoting and nerve and stomach tonic is not stuck. It owes its high concentration of essential Oils, especially an enormous, spicy flavor intensity, the him since the beginning of its cultivation in the 16th century. Made century a sought-after ingredient and a popular Würzstoff in the European kitchen.

Peter Badenhop

sheet-makers in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

Because the Oil from its seeds and the tuber itself smell amazing significantly, such as meat broth, and taste, is celeriac with leeks, carrots and parsley as a vegetable Soup, traditionally, the classical basis – and, often, a Deposit – intensive Broths and soups. As a “invisible” ingredient when cooking it, but also, for example, a tomato soup, a nice stability, not only because of the tuber, as a potato for a certain degree of Viscidity, but because it contributes aromatic complexity.

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read How much a little bit of celery one dish on the jumps, shows the example of the Cole Slaw, the classic American Burger-companion – and-White or cabbage and carrots. For a slightly pfiffigere and spicier Version of a small cabbage, freed him generously from the stalk, cut it in fine strips, mix it with two tablespoons of salt and leave it for two hours in a colander to draw. In the meantime, three carrots, and a quarter of the celeriac, cut in very thin strips or coarsely grate. The cabbage under running water, rinse it, squeeze it well and with carrots and celery in a large bowl with the chopped parsley and mix. As a Dressing of four tablespoons of Mayonnaise and natural yoghurt and a tablespoon of white balsamic vinegar and maple syrup to the salad and mix, season with salt and pepper and a couple of hours.

A memorable gourmet meal

That celery but can’t afford just to down-to-earth Hearty a major contribution, at the latest Eckart witzigmann proved with his celery cream soup with truffles. And in a starred Restaurant in Frankfurt “tiger Palace” makes the chef Coskun Yurdakul, his “lenses Oriental” with the help of braised celeriac, fermented garlic, Belper tuber, and pomegranate-worthy foam is also a gourmet dish.

Indeed, the celeriac can be more but still a lot and therefore also plays into the increasingly popular vegetarian and vegan kitchen a big role. Because of its great Savor of him, for example, very good complex, dark sauce, if you anröstet it with other vegetables and then reduced with red wine to a concentrated Jus. As the meat of the tuber is suitable but also in other forms: In the case of the Burger-chain “Peter Pane”, for example, is processed together with ground walnuts to a vegetarian Burger Patty, which comes instead of the beef Patty on the Burger. Even a classic Schnitzel, you can replace it with a thinly sliced and batter fried in Butter slice of a large tuber amazingly well.

a Particularly well-celeriac and other root vegetables, in harmony, for example, with Beetroot in a spicy non – meat tartare. Two or three Red beets are cooking, peel into 0.5 cm cubes and place in a large bowl. Then a quarter of a tuber of celery in small cubes and together with a small, chopped, red onion in a little sunflower oil for about five to six minutes to brown, and season with pepper and salt. In the large bowl. Then an Apple into similar-sized cubes and add to. Finally, chopped chives, and four of chopped walnuts to give. Everything with three tablespoons of sunflower oil and a tablespoon of white balsamic vinegar mix well, season with salt and pepper seasoning, and at room temperature for two hours. To serve, place on a plate in a Ring fill, small cubes of Feta cheese and cut drape chives and lettuce to serve.