Petra king has devices, and Mathias Koepsell has a shield. The microphones and Whiteboards in the class of the Anna-Schmidt-rooms-school work properly and on the matt glass plate of the Adorno school emblazoned with the words “Digital school”. But the equipment and the award will help only to a limited extent if the king and Koepsell need to send your student soon to be back home. As on Friday, the 13th. March. Both principals prepare for it. After all, there is the experience from the spring. No one will be able to say: We have stumbled into it. Different is also that the teacher should evaluate performance in the Homeschooling now.

Florentine Fritzen

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

Both the headmaster know that Real school is more beautiful for all. “Children need their peer groups, nothing can replace the friend and the Clique in the morning,” says the king in your service rooms in the Anna-Schmidt-school. And Koepsell says in his office in the Adorno-high school: “What teachers are staging in the classroom, in distance learning is not possible, not even through video conferencing.”

Shared group

However, the head of school to a second school closure. And hybrid classes, the Koepsell as an intermediate step before expected. King has created for a model with A – and B-weeks in the summer holidays, a hours plan. The requirements of the country to apply for the nationally recognized private school in the same way as state schools. In the Anna-Schmidt-school of teaching took place with divided groups continue to completely for all in the classroom. Just that half would switch from home.

In the technically well-equipped school in the North of the Old Opera, there are now hybrid forms. A teacher from the high-risk group teaches from home. This morning, he reads the 9b is a historical source: the speech from the throne Wilhelm II from 1914. The display on the Whiteboard in the classroom is divided in two Windows: in addition to the teacher a sniff of students is to sitting at home. “Where is the old grudge that France is not on good terms with Germany?” Many fingers fast high; Lilli gets a turn. It is running smoothly.

students from the risk group

In the Adorno-the Gymnasium at the Miquelallee there are no room MICS. But the head teacher keeps anyway a little from the Switch. Five students from the risk group come voluntarily to school. You have protected places in the class – and a “Corona-toilet”. Each room has an Internet connection. But the school principal says: “I don’t want to destroy this authentic class situation by video recordings.”

For Koepsell, when a mobile phone is prohibited, the crucial question is: Where helps the digitalisation of pedagogy? This was also the guiding principle behind the application as a digital school; the award, which bear, in addition to the Frankfurt Gymnasium, with 27 more schools in Hesse, has been awarded the Minister of culture last week. Digital education should be an integral part in all subjects, from English to art, and there are so many computer science courses that each of the 820 students who wants to learn programming can learn that, too.