The Internet is to blame. And the mobile phones and the social media. What we had earlier for a wonderful, always have time for quality food and a cosy get-together, but for now this is all over. In Manfred Krieners book, “a delicious country burned down” is a must. not only by a few such sentences through to torture, the complain of the evil presence, but by the whole Chapter Shared meals with the family, complains to the Journalist, had remained “broadly on track. Today, the food virtually with followers and friends in social media“. The people ate because of the higher Insta-fitness “colorful sushi rolls” instead of mashed potatoes. A Misery.

Julia Bähr

editor in the features section.

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This is supposed to be about a very different and much more important things to misery: that, namely, how Kriener points out, the food has lost its innocence. If it does not come straight from the garden, know, hardly, what is now acceptable organic or regional? Wild-catch or aquaculture? Meat or soy, what should go to the rain forest it? It is not really easy to get around, if you want to eat responsibly.

in this respect, the author has an important theme identified. But he spends a lot of time to deal with things that may not even apply, as in addition to aspects. Neither of the phones are the demise of the diet nor the word “delicious”, he omits two pages long, exasperated. Anyone who reads a still, met, however, becoming less and less spontaneous sermons and more evidence of chapters based. The book takes a journey on an emotional roller-coaster: whenever you think, this is a food you could eat with a clean conscience, shows Kriener related problems.

Manfred Kriener: “Tasty-the country is burned down” : image: S. Hirzel Verlag

insects, for instance, which were long regarded as a high protein Snack in the morning, not only in consumer law, but are also impacted: the giant bugs, for example, can be difficult to breed and are caught, therefore, mostly wild, which reduces the stocks and the ecological balance can bring. Also, their food ruined the Eco-balance, because crickets, which are fed with organic waste, is received according to the research by the author. “The idea of insect farms as a cheap waste disposal system does not seem to be working,” writes Kriener. “On the contrary, in Order to accelerate the growth of the insects, put some farms, the forage soybean and even fish meal.”

The desillusionierendste Chapter, however, deals with the fisheries, their regulation has been made in the past few years, reverse in part, and aquaculture, out of which after a Storm are always full of drugs stuffed or even genetically modified fish to escape. From the thoughts, the planet more fish for the sake of, instead of eating meat, one must say goodbye to, anyway. There’s almost comforting that later on something will be punished, what they want to anyway, taking hardly a: wheat grass juice, which is supposed to contain than sixty times as much Vitamin C as oranges. The refers to a quantity of one hundred grams of juice, the drink according to Kriener never someone, because it taste terrible, outrageously expensive and, moreover, is diluted should be. Quite apart from the fact that Vitamin C deficiency in Germany is everything other than usual. After all, a food aspect, you do not need to worry.