the German universities Need more money, or not get to you so much that you can’t keep up with the Output at all? The answer to this question can only be political, because it depends solely on the formation of political will, how much is higher education of the Land value. Currently, there are annually about fifty billion euros. And that it is becoming more and more of in the coming year, starting at the end of “contract for the Future of teaching and study of strengths”, which is the Federal contribution from the old high-school Pact for all times passes. not least In the meantime, twenty joint programs of the Federal government and the länder provide for this money blessing. The Federal politicians were just for your investment to celebrate, you will be accused, again, of the grateful recipients of Payments are only used to be even around by the nose led.

For such accusations is the Federal court. The has just. to the budget Committee of the Bundestag, its report on the audit of the appropriate use of remaining funds from the 2023 end-of-high-directs education Pact, and prior to parliamentary consultation, the report has caused outrage The flow of Funds in the higher education Pact, the report says, had a “lack of transparency is achieved, the countries to be hardly still grasped”.

After all, the Federal court of auditors accuses the countries to be in breach of the funding obligation of the higher education Pact. But actually, under this charge only because he could not, in view of the lack of transparency of money flows in check at all. The balance sheets of some of the universities, the auditors, were now at a “never before seen cash and cash equivalents”, which had been constructed out of these funds. Completely independent from the actual need for some of the countries were assigned to their universities, means, the would not be able to spend seem to be.

you Should lock the rest of the money?

Now hoarding countries and universities huge sums: At least 3.7 billion euros, the reported output of the leftovers from the higher education Pact, write to the auditor of the court of auditors, and to call after the emergency brake was now. Although the Federal Ministry of education and research (BMBF) wants to draw the attention of the country to the fact that no appropriated funds from the Pact had to be paid back to the Federal government. However, the countries to “doubt the public in this way”, that is to say: The money is gone. After all, the last 2.54 billion were still not paid, at least the should lock, the Committee on budgets now, so the recommendation of the court of auditors. You have shown 2018, the Helmholtz-society, Yes, that one is quite able to do so.

The BMBF considers such blocking, however, for “not constructive”. If one is convinced the Ministry that the objective of the Pact is to be able to hire additional staff, was already achieved, this is a comprehensible attitude. Conversely, if the Federal court summons is the risk that the countries were now at their universities pressure, the higher education Pact, an agent must quickly ask back spending, then: Who is doing the printing? The Ministry obviously did not.

now, If budgetary politicians of the Bundestag, to join in the indignation of the auditors, then they should explain why they can only make today a scandal of it. Finally, the Figures in this report were already in another on the effectiveness of the resources of the higher education Pact, the court of auditors in may 2019 has been published. In addition, you could refer to the same Numbers as in the implementation report of the higher education Pact for 2017, the Joint science conference (GWK) has published already a year ago, and also immediately to the Committee on budgets has sent. Took him without further discussion note – probably no one has read the dry pack.