With the publicist Konrad Adam (78) now leaves the last of the three AfD-founding Chairman of the party. “On the 1. January 2021, I won’t be more a member of the AfD,“ said Adam of the German press Agency in Berlin. He could see no future for the AfD as a “conservative” force, justified its decision.

the Chairman of the AfD group in the Bundestag, Alexander Gauland, accused Adam, this have been always guarding against “southpaw like Andreas Kalbitz and the Thuringian state Chairman Björn Höcke”. Thus, he had contributed to the fact that the influence of the right-wing in the party had grown steadily. In addition, the AfD, with its rejection was criticized attitudes in terms of environmental and climate protection on a wrong path, Adam, who is a member of the Hessian land Association.

The conservative Journalist is one of the founding members of the AfD. In 2013, he took over together with Frauke Petry and Bernd Lucke, the party’s chairmanship. Hatch left the AfD in July 2015, after he was voted out of office on a riots-dominated Congress in Essen. To him, many members of which were attributed to the liberal wing followed. Adam failed at the time of his candidacy for the Post of Adviser.

Recently, he was only in the AfD-middle-Desiderius-Erasmus-Foundation active, which is headed by the former CDU Deputy Erika Steinbach, and whose honorary President he is. Petry had to leave the AfD in the fall of 2017. The Bundestag, she heard since then, as a group, lots of members.