It is not only the cowardly violence of the Internet, the teachers of all the General have to endure schools increasingly to, but also actually physical violence. The results of a representative survey by the opinion research Institute Forsa on behalf of the Association of education (VBE) among school principals in Germany. 34 percent of the school principals indicated that there were in the last five years, cases of physical violence against a teacher at their schools. In 2018, it was still 26 percent. 61 percent of reports of cases in which teachers experienced a direct psychological violence. In 2018, there were still 48 percent. A similar strong increase of psychological violence on the Internet, which was called in 2018 from 20 per cent of the school heads, 2020 from 32 per cent.

Heike Schmoll

Political correspondent in Berlin, responsible for the “formation of worlds”.

F. A. Z.

school type-dependent, there are important differences in the Findings. Direct psychological violence occurs more significantly in secondary schools (except high school) (73%), psychological violence via the Internet more frequently after primary school (secondary schools, 52 per cent, high schools, 46 percent). Physical violence, however, occurs most frequently in the primary school (40 percent, in 2018, 34 percent). At the secondary school physical violence is the most rare, here it was seven percent, in the main, the Real and total schools 21 per cent.

Uncooperative parents, stubborn students

“Younger children can’t control their emotions so well and not know how to help sometimes different”, commented the Chairperson of the VBE Udo Beckmann, the high levels of Violence at the elementary school. Nevertheless, this is an alarming number that should lead in the education ministries to the question of how teachers can be supported. Sobering that in 2018, 87 percent of school leaders, the information is also, that in the vast majority of cases, be able to support their colleagues in the case of violence by a student, in 2020, it was only 56 percent.

The barriers are often the parents who are not reluctant to cooperate, but also in the case of recalcitrant students, a bureaucratically organized reporting of incidents, an Overload with tasks in the school management. But above all, many school administrators fear for the Reputation of your school and try to conceal violence incidents, if possible. Some seem to be acting in anticipatory obedience, because they believe that the message is not desired by incidents from the school authority.