In such stormy times, as you just experienced in the Bundesliga, Mainz, Germany, makes it suspicious, if it is to be announced in a press conference – the first of the FSV Mainz 05 with a physical presence of all Participants since the middle of March – all three members of the Board, but only two appear. And if the lack of a third man, of all things, to Rouven Schröder, the last week violently the criticism concerning Manager. Wild speculation but the media Director Tobias Sparwasser continued on Wednesday afternoon to a swift end. Schröder lacked “due to urgent commitments in its core business,” he said.

The transfer business for the Rhine-Hesse will operate Schröder to continue to do his Job he needs not to fear. After he had confirmed on Tuesday, to go forward, was now of the Association and Executive Board Chairman Stefan Hofmann behind him. “We believe that Rouven for Mainz 05 is a very good sports Board of Directors,” he said. Despite the communication errors, which were around the issues of waiver of Salary, Ádám Szalai and game strike made and had given to the club already, the question of the dismissal of the sports Executive Board, which might anyway only be made by the Supervisory Board. Rouven Schröder was not only the ruler, said Hofmann. “If he makes a decision, he needs a second signature by Jan Lehmann, or me, that is to say, a Board majority.”

strike rocked the club

The had of the Manager accordingly, in November of last year, in the separation of Sandro Black as well as the obligation of the on Monday ousted Achim Beierlorzer. “Such decisions are not made from the gut, but can be made after intensive discussion processes.” Dealing with Szalai was a matter for the sporting responsible, so from coaches and managers.

That Hofmann and Chairman of the Supervisory Board Detlev Höhne assumptions to the strike of the conversations with the players, have nothing to do with a “disempowerment” of schröder, as some media reported had been. “But this strike has left the world of professional football and a different Dimension is reached,” explained the Chairman of the Board. “He has shaken the club to its foundations.” It was, therefore, not only have been asked of the sports Board.