The Online trade is booming in the Corona-crisis – and Google wants to have a word to say. For traders in Europe, the Middle East and Africa will be from mid-October to free, to let products into Google’s Shopping Tab lists, in a blog post for the group. This will be published on Wednesday and the F. A. is, for example, in advance. For the search engines-group, this means a backward roll. Due to quality problems, Google have made a for traders free Shopping platform in the year 2012, for a fee, reports in the specialized media.

Gustav Theile

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Like other Tech companies, Google puts it this way, that the measure is intended to help small businesses that are dependent in the Corona-crisis on Online sales. “We help small retailers to compete with the big players,” says Matt Brittin, the Google’s business in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa leads, the F. A. would turn, for example, Large retailers already Shopping Ads, so to help the step-by rather small companies. Therefore, he wants to see in it no Declaration of war on Amazon.

analysts say Google could keep a larger portion of the data traffic on its platform, especially since Amazon gets to make up in advertising the business to the ground. In April, Google had made the same step in America, for the Brittin in a positive stock: “retailers that were represented in the Shopping Tab, were able to double the there are so many views of your products. The clicks increased by 50 percent.“ The number of companies represented there, in America, he estimates that a few hundred thousand.