The original Plan for a 365-Meter-high “Millennium Tower” in Frankfurt’s europaviertel district had A Meter for every day of the year: its appeal, but was not economically feasible. The owner, CA Immo has decided against these skyscrapers and distributes the building mass on two towers. The smaller will rise “only” 150 meters in the sky, but of the higher to 260 meters exactly 130 inches more than the Commerzbank Tower would be the tallest tower in the Republic, as head of Planning Mike Joseph (SPD), explained on Wednesday: “This is a superlative is. The tower will set the tone for the entire Skyline.“ Adding the antenna, the previous Primus scratch, of course, even in the 300-Meter mark.

Rainer Schulze

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

The architecture competition for the “Millennium Area” has now started. Eight offices with dazzling names have been invited to the “crème de la crème,” says Josef. The most renowned of the three offices, whose founders are enjoying the reputation of “star” architects: Rem Koolhaas’ Office for Metropolitan Architecture from Rotterdam, David Chipperfield Architects from London and Berlin, as well as Herzog & de Meuron from Basel. With 3XN and the Cobe two Danish offices are in the process of from the for its experimental architecture and people-friendly design of the well-known Copenhagen come.

the field is Completed by three German participants. The office of Christoph Ingenhoven from Dusseldorf, plays as the only German architects in the League of star architects, and the two Frankfurt by Schneider + Schumacher and Ferdinand Heide, it will have in this competition is certainly difficult. At the end of January, a Jury selects the best design.

project for the next eight to ten years

The Millennium Site is located in a Hochhauspulk in the vicinity of the fair. The architects will bring in 185,000 square metres of gross floor area on a 8,700 square-meter area between the high baptism street and Oslo road. Around half of the building mass is office space, together with hotel rooms in the larger tower is planned. Add to that, especially in the smaller residential tower, 500 apartments, of which 200 are sponsored.

F. A. Z.-Newsletter “Hauptwache”

So the day begins in Frankfurt and Rhine-Main: the most Important points in brief, with References to mobile speed cameras, road closures, and restaurants.

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in addition to the two high-rise buildings, it is a six-story Base type. In an urban planning contract with the city was negotiated, the city should also have something of the project: of Course, the highest tower in the country is in need of a viewing platform. In addition there will be a nursery with four groups, gastronomy, shops, doctor’s offices and space for social and cultural uses.

With the development wants to make CA Immo time. Germany managing Director Matthias Schmidt speaks of a project for the next eight to ten years, the planning application shall, at the earliest, filed in three years. The advantage: Until then, Corona will have issues, hopefully far from over, as a spokesman says. Among other things, Schmidt wants to convince the users with an environmentally “sustainable” building: “We want to achieve the energy targets by 2045,” he says.