He is considered the great hope in German Football: Moritz Johann Knecht, the Back-up Quarterback of the American football clubs in the Frankfurt Universe. German players are in the key position in attack also in the German Football League (GFL) is an exception. Because the game creators are usually used as so-called “Imports” from the mother country of the sport. Even the Position of the spare man for the Quarterback is generally filled with American players. Not so in Frankfurt. Here Johann servant is on the train. Behind Steven Cluley, he is the man head coach Thomas Köslig familiar. “Moritz is a great, great Talent,” says the head coach. “And he had in the last season, the biggest game of the shares of a German on this Position.”

The year 2020 would have been able to bring its season. But Johann servant has rag no time. Not to start that Frankfurt Universe had decided early on, in a due to the Corona pandemic shortened season in the GFL, you can understand the 21-year-old playmaker. Even if didn’t give him the Chance, the Starting Quarterback of the Frankfurt football club, because it would have been in Frankfurt, probably a season without players from America. “I stand fully behind the decision of the club,” says Johann servant. The Student of industrial engineering with specialization in civil engineering is now focusing on the exams at the Technical University of Darmstadt. “August to October, I have quasi all the time trials.”

Not a matter of course

a place Of study at the TU was 2019, a strong Argument to say the Dolphins in Paderborn, adieu, and to follow the recommendation of Max Siemssen to the Main. The Kicker and wide receiver, had previously played for the Dolphins and was in 2018, have come to Frankfurt. Johann servant had announced his upcoming study-related exchange to Hessen early on, so it was a harmonious farewell. “The first praise,” says the Universe head coach kösling senior, “is the Dolphins.” To get a well-trained, talented playmaker as a matter of course is not.

Johann servant has at least acquired a part of his skill in America. There, he joined in 2016, an Agency of the high-school Team, the Creston Panthers in the American state of Iowa, and was there Starting Quarterback. What is a young German is already a huge leap, to train the American team-mates, usually since childhood with the Leathercraft. And Johann Knecht had played Tennis before he came as a Teenager to Football. 2017 should be a “coolest of the year”, tells of Paderborn. Both the Panthers of high school, as well as with the Junior national team at the world Championships in Paris he stood in the semi-finals. On the Internet, you can admire his most powerful scenes with the Panthers. Johann Knecht’s passes are long and of great precision. He has what football coaches call a “strong Arm”. In addition, the 1,88 Meter, 91-kilogram Athlete is mobile, uses the space in the “Pocket” of his players, throws out of the race, or carries the Ball forward.