The French satirical newspaper “Charlie Hebdo” published on the occasion of the Paris criminal process over the deadly terrorist attack on the editorial Board, once again, cartoons of Mohammed. The special issue with the headline, “Tout ça pour ça” (Much ADO about nothing) is to appear on Wednesday, told the blade on Twitter.

On Wednesday begins in the Paris of the process against suspected helpers of a series of attacks on “Charlie Hebdo” and a Jewish supermarket in January 2015. A total of 17 people died, including the three Islamist perpetrators were shot and killed.

France’s interior Minister Gérald Darmanin called the process historically. The country is shaken for years by Islamist-motivated terrorist acts, more than 250 people were killed.

“We will never bend a knee. We will never give up,” said Charlie Hebdo editor and cartoonist Laurent Sourisseau, alias Riss. Accordingly, the sheet of twelve drawings, originally in 2005 by the Danish newspaper “Jyllands-Posten” published a year later, of the “Charlie Hebdo” were taken. In addition, the new folder will show a cartoon of the Islamic prophet, of the tribe by the artist Cabu, who was killed in the terrorist attack in 2015.