The democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has given incumbent Donald Trump for inciting the deadly violence on the fringes of protests. “There is a fire burning, and we have a President, are fuelling the flames,” said Biden on Monday in the city of Pittsburgh. “He can’t stop the violence because it fuels you for years.”

“does anyone Believe that there will be in the USA, less violence, if Donald Trump is re-elected?” asked Biden, the Republicans in the election on may 3. November will challenge. “He may believe that the words law and order can appear strong. But his inability, his own followers, rather more like an armed militia in this country to act, shows how weak he is.“

After the rhetorical question, “do I Look like a radical socialist?”, explained to Biden that he wanted to save America. As problems, he was one of the Corona-pandemic, crime, and looting, racial violence, as well as “bad cops”. And he wanted America to say, “it is crystal clear, save for four more years of Donald Trump”.

At the same time, condemned Biden with sharp words, riots on the edge of Anti-racism protests. “Riots are not a Protest. Looting are not a Protest. Arson is not a Protest. This is simply lawlessness.“ Those responsible for such acts must be held accountable. “Violence will not bring change,” said the 77-Year-old. “You will only bring destruction.”

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The weekend was shot dead on the outskirts of the protests in Portland on the West coast of America a man. Several hundred vehicles of Trump-trailers were driven in a motorcade through the city in the state of Oregon. They also drove through downtown, where it came to clashes with the Black-Lives-Matter-protesters. On Amateur shots it was evident that at least one Trump-trailer with a Paintball shot gun on the protesters.

In the case of the dead could be a member of an ultra-right grouping: On photos was to see that the victim wore a hat with the Logo of the group “Patriot’s Prayer”, an ultra-right group, the more violent demonstrations in Portland have been involved in. The exact circumstances of his death were initially unclear.