It is a Bang in the German banking industry: Paydirekt, which should be pressed with all the Power of the banks as a competitor of the payment service Paypal in the market, will disappear from the market. It was announced in an internal Newsletter of the savings banks, the industry portal financial-quoted scene: to prepare for the “implementation of the market launch of our future brand for the digital Pay”, it was called as bulky.

Franz Nestler

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

That it would come to this, was for some time made thing. Under the project name “digital credit economy” to speak the German banks and savings banks for some time on merging the various offers of Payment for customers. Is abbreviated as the Whole thing as trendy as you want to be; with a Hashtag: #DK. In addition to the merger, Giropay, and Paydirekt it is also about the merger with Kwitt, with the fast Money delivery is possible. The Girocard is to be included. The specific project is called X-Pay.

The Details for a long time were unclear, now is Paydirekt Giropay swallows, the Name Paydirekt will disappear. The purchase price to be in the low double-digit million range. The two procedures operate differently: While you must register with Paydirekt first, you can log in to PayPal as Online Banking. That was the great advantage of the payment system, which was also a part of its success is accounted for. It will be exciting to watch, as here, later on, the technical Details appearance: Comes some half-baked compromise, as was the case in the past, or it actually comes to a technical progress?