the German interior Minister, Horst Seehofer, also works in the viewer question in the case of sports events of “Black-and-White solutions” to get away. “We are able to engage with viewers slowly into the stages, without neglecting the protection against infection,” said the CSU politician in an Interview to the “Donau Kurier” (Saturday). He was glad that there is now more and more followers for this procedure.

With the decisions of the Prime Minister, last Thursday, he was highly satisfied. “The principle, to allow for an indefinite period of time, no audience, is basically off the table. We will now examine when and how we will be able to experience the Sport again with audience participation,“ the Minister said.

In the next few weeks are to be developed according to Seehofer, concepts, how you can allow a spectator. “It’s not only football, but also to all other sports. I think that we in the early autumn of more detailed plans.“ He put that in, for example, ice hockey fans can again this year in the stadiums.

“Many of the clubs already in concepts. I am therefore very confident that we will soon have spectators – even if only once in a limited number in the stadium. We don’t know how long the pandemic us will deal with, but it could be that it will take a while.“ The security measures should be designed so that social life becomes possible again. “If you comply to the rules of Prevention, then you can take the responsibility. We are thus driven in Germany very well so far.“