That was an expensive “Snack”: Due to a contaminated feed by means of a substance that is on the list of prohibited agents have been tested in recent times, five in Germany, trained horses and a positive impact on caffeine. The most prominent case of the three-year-old colt Grocer Jack, who would have been third in the German Derby in Hamburg in mid-July. But he was subsequently disqualified, the prize money in the amount of 78 000 EUR wandered from the owner, Christoph Berglar into the Röttgen stud, whose stallion Kaspar moved up a place. The bets stay in such a case, however, is not untouched, in order not to endanger the racing. If the ring of the stewards will sound, will not ask the result, similar to the a fact decision-making in football.

“The horses that were tested according to their race in July, positive, and have been deleted from the result lists,” said Michael Vesper, President of the Association. “The German gallop is committed, not least for reasons of Animal welfare continue to be for many years practiced a policy of Zero-tolerance and a consistent, international standard, Anti-Doping policy.”

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Doping in almost every Sport at a gallop always an issue. In the United States in a hemorrhage, for example, permitted anti-foaming agent, such as Lasix, in Europe, however, prohibited. A few years ago was locked up in England and Mahmood al-Zarooni, then a coach for the Dubai ruler, Sheikh Mohammed, because he had administered to his horses anabolic steroids. However, in the current case, it was clearly manipulation attempts, but a mistake from the manufacturer. The feed Apple pomace, i.e. the pressing residue in the production of Apple juice, had been enclosed, said the manufacturer. Therefore, the caffeine come from.

Since the company had acknowledged the contamination, the hiccups, the affected coach in case of Grocer Jack, the Cologne-employed Waldemar, not punished. Neither owner nor Trainer could not in the case of intent or negligence, so Vespers. The disqualification is inevitable. The normally applicable to start ban of six weeks has not been imposed in this particular case, however. “In this Situation, it is only fair that the horses have the Chance to Start,” said Vesper. However, they had to provide before the next Start by a re-Doping of the sample evidence that in the horse’s body that no banned substances were present.

“Donjah is a machine”

As Grocer Jack, on Saturday in the 58 could. The price of Europe to run – one of only seven group-I exams in Germany. You like the Derby over 2400 metres. Although the price was reduced in Corona, times of money on 77 500 Euro, 50 estimated 000 euros for the winner, however, traveled three high-Inge guests from England and the Czech Republic. Grocer Jack and Kaspar were as representative of the current Derby year, so the three-year-old, only outsiders in the strong seven-a-box. Also, the Derby winner of 2019, Laccario, debut his long-awaited Season, it was at the end but the Last. The two three-year-old had, however, considerable.

500 meters before the finish, all of the horses seemed to have a chance of winning, Grocer Jack, is no longer in the decisive Phase, however, and not finished far back in fifth. Better made it the Kaspar drew back, the long leading English Mare lady Malliot left behind. But Clement had brought Lecoeuvre Donjah on tours. From the last place, take the four-year-old Filly drew the outside all over and won just in front of Kaspar.