Spain with Mallorca, is now considered a risk area. For the country – with the exception of the Canary Islands – has issued the Federal travel warning. Can manage an orderly return of action during the summer vacation time at all?

Timo Kotowski

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

The travel industry is trying to dispel all fears of a return flight chaos. According to an estimate by the German travel Association, around 30,000 package tour holidaymakers remain up to date on the Balearic Islands – Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera. This is a fraction of the previous Year. For most of them, the return flight is within the next seven days anyway. The tour operators such as TUI, offer to customers the choice of whether you want to in advance to fly home or to your planned flight schedule to hold. They point to the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU), who had said that a holiday could be spent on Mallorca, when guests showed the necessary caution. “Distance, Hygiene rules to comply with, the everyday masks in certain situations to wear” remained to keep the Golden rule.

What returnees expected after landing in Germany?

For all risk areas – and thus also for Mallorca – is that travelers need to leave after the homecoming on the Coronavirus test. Up to a negative result, you have to go in quarantine. Airports test centres have been set up. An investigation but also in the local test centres to catch up on. The test compulsory to all holiday – makers will be informed on the flight associated with the note that a fine will ensue if no Test is made.

Who controls the Tests of returnees?

On flights from high-risk areas to Germany must all travelers must fill out registration cards, and fill in your details. The data are also available to health authorities so they can check in samples, whether the prescribed Tests are done and quarantine requirements are met. A forcible transport of passengers from the plane directly to the test station does not take place but.

cost holidaymakers due to return action and testing additional?

no, for package holiday tourists, the tour operators are obliged to organize with the price paid for the tour and the return. Additional costs for extra flights have business in the crisis, anyway-ridden journey to bear the costs. It is different for individual travellers who have booked flight and accommodation on their own and separately. You must take care of yourself the return trip and a possibly necessary new Ticket is completely self-pay. If you get a part of the price for the originally booked flight back, depends on the specific fare rules. For cheap fares airlines generally include a refund. The Corona Tests are the same for all of the returnees for free. This is, however, controversial claims, to ask tourists for cash, are piling up. Minister of health, Spahn has not but explained that cost-free Tests to hold so perfect for a holiday escape, for reasons of cost the Tests.