After the summer vacation begins for almost 705,000 euros Hessian pupils on the Monday of the lesson – in the light of the Corona disease under very special conditions. On Tuesday, the 55.600 come first-graders to do so. The country remains, for the time being in his line, for the class room, no mask duty to arrange – however, in General must be on the school grounds prior to Entering the classroom, a mouth-nose protection is worn.

The 1.5-Meter distance rule no longer applies between teachers, students and Tutors within the classroom in the classroom. The minimum distance should be, for example, met at conferences or school events. In the academic year 2020/2021, the total number of the Hessian of students is increasing in comparison to the previous year, to around 1500 to 760.500. The number of teachers climbs to around 770 to 55.470.

Minister of culture Alexander Lorz (CDU), anticipates that up to six percent of the teachers is expected to be a reference to the Corona-risk for instruction in the school. This forecast was based on the experiences in other States. The students Lorz relates to a rate of under five per cent of children and young people, which will count to a Corona-risk group and, therefore, by certificate from the teaching in the school.

Legal questions not yet clarified

you will be connected to the possibility of digital into the class room. If necessary, you can get a loan for a Computer. For Hesse, together with the Federal government, a total of 50 million euros. In addition, the digital teaching and learning expanded platform of “education portal of Hesse,” more, such as Lorz announced.

the criticism comes from the Association of education of Hesse. “Here again aroused expectations among the parents, which is not observed for various reasons,” explained the Chairman, Stefan Wesselmann. Only a fraction of the schools have the necessary Wi-Fi, and the technical infrastructure for video switching. For other legal issues are not clarified yet.

“The EU General data protection regulation with the right to one’s own image is also valid for teachers,” said Wesselmann clear. Many would have reservations about a Streaming your teaching of solid reasons: “recordings or Screenshots are easily possible, and thus improper use to open the door”, said Wesselmann.