German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has referred to the increasing number of coronavirus infections in Germany on Monday as a concern, but still manageable. According to information from the German press-Agency of participants of the first virtual CDU circles-Bureau meeting after the summer break, Merkel said, therefore, it could be that’s why currently, there is no further loosening. The same is true for football games.

According to further information from party circles, talks about a Meeting of the Prime Minister, with the Chancellor next week, at the Corona location are to be run currently. Accordingly, it is intended to go also to the inconsistent rules in dealing with the pandemic.

The CDU Chairman Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer will the rising Corona-infection numbers as possible without profound measures. “It will have to do everything to prevent a second Lockdown,” said Kramp-Karrenbauer, according to information from party circles on Monday in the meetings of your party. Priority to have a safer operation of schools and day care centers. Also the economy must be supported in order to avoid higher unemployment.

the topic of virtual meetings of the Bureau and the Board of management was reported to be also planning for the CDU Federal party Congress in December. On the date currently recorded, it was from party circles – “taking into account the complex hygienic concepts”.

“normal operation is important for children”

the Federal health Minister, Jens Spahn (CDU) has in the face of rising Corona-Figures called for a prioritization of social divisions as a decision basis for possible new restrictions. Priority should be given to schools for him, on the one hand, and day-care centres, said Spahn on Monday in a Video press conference.

The operation was important for the children. The closures in the spring were for the families of very distressing, he explained. In addition, he advocated to keep the economy and the retail is open, also since there are no foci of infection. Possibilities for limitations he sees in the case of Solid.