I’m on 16. August of this year to become thirty-eight,” wrote Charles Bukowski in 1958, the editors of small American literary magazine, which had surprisingly accepted four of his poems, “and not only look a good bit older, but behave like one.”

conclusion: “For a budding Poet I look probably quite old.” Such letters writes Bukowski in the next few years, again and again: long, funny, outspoken, self-descriptions and Mini-autobiographies – “operate out of this scrap” – in which he from the Drink tells and the lost time, to his beginnings as a Poet, his contempt for perfumed Lord poetry and also of the countless Jobs that he kept has.

According to Bukowski was born Heinrich Karl has worked in the slaughter house, in a dog food factory, as a Trucker, the editor, messenger, bill posters, a cotton picker, tomato picker, warehouse worker, gas station attendant and a mailman, and he also had, well, “of hookers bear to leave”. Four years later, in 1964, he writes to a fellow Writer, he was also a dishwasher and the bums and the “coconut man in a cookie factory”, what could be the have been, in addition, dice-players, and horse gambling.

his reputation

“don’t you Go to the racetrack,” says he, in an Essay ten years later, “if you are short on cash, not with borrowed money, not with the money for the rent or for food.” Well, you have to remember. And nevertheless – or because of it – has become a tenacious, conscientious writer from him, was in many respects quite different than the reputation that preceded him. Because of Bukowski, thirty-eight had to write, and especially his letters, small Essays, are solemnly gekrächzte hymns to the beauty of the art.