The letters are there again. Since the school’s closure in mid-March, politicians, principals, teachers, and parents have sent as much Mail as in the days before the start of School on Monday. Almost all the letters begin with the old school year and the summer holidays were different than usual – and that the new school year with safety is exceptional.

Florentine Fritzen

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

However, everything should run as “largely normal” operation, as stated in the letter from the Minister of culture Alexander Lorz (CDU), the Hessian of the parents. “Normal” is in the Corona of the year, but relatively. The return to a full timetable and to complete classes is only possible when students and teachers wear masks, at least on the yard and in the hallways.

headmaster who doesn’t want to be responsible for Discontinuation of the mouth guard on your own space in small rooms, but on the Hessian mask of duty, and to: In their schools, students and teachers must wear the mask in the class room. In the letter to the head of the Frankfurt school to the parents, it means that the decision for the classroom forcing him to this “drastic decision”. Frankfurt’s education Department head, Sylvia Weber (SPD) recalled that visors were allowed. This could help children, the poor heard and lip-read, be instructed. Against masks on the Playground of the club, “families in crisis”, has also sent a Letter to the start of School. In particular, in primary schools, where children play much, are masks “unreasonable and damaging to health”.

No concept for teaching at a distance

Because even in primary school, which had in the last two weeks prior to the holiday, classes with almost no restrictions must now be placed on the way to your place with a Mouth guard. So write it Rector, in their letters and also a set of many parents before the autumn breathe a sigh of relief: “a runny nose without other signs of illness, no exclusion is expressly a reason.”

Lorz not only writes itself, it also gets Post. For example, the parent Advisory councils from Frankfurt, Hanau, Wiesbaden, Limburg-Weilburg, the district of Offenbach, the Hoch-Taunus and the wetterau. The parents are worried numbers in the face of rising Infection and refer to tightening elsewhere in the public space. In contrast, Lorz on the rule, A hold operation: “‘ Plan B ‘ has not previously been published.”

a concept for teaching at a distance is Meant. Lorz announced on Friday, once again, the Hessian of the school portal to expand, “so that all schools can use in the course of the first half of the year, the essential functions of the platform”.

differences in digital lessons are significantly

in addition, the parents complain that, in many schools, no W-Lan. In Frankfurt, the is planned, the city Council has authorized the education Department to Weber, to apply for money from the digital Pact for it. Hesse, together with the Federal government, 50 million euros. Until all schools are connected, it will take years. Weber has ordered 9000 laptop, which can lend to students who do not have a home Computer. The Councilwoman, announced the end of the week also a solution for students at home have no Internet. A unified approach for video-conferencing to schools in Frankfurt will introduce you to the end of the year.