After the serious breakdown in Bavaria at the time of Transmission of Corona test results are, obviously, still not all Affected with positive test results informed. There is still more data to be processed, quoted the Bavarian radio on Sunday, a spokesman for the Bavarian health Ministry. Department head Melanie Huml (CSU) wants to Express itself accordingly in the afternoon on the current state.

As the newspaper “Bild am Sonntag” from the Bavarian state government want to find out, and should not now start a nation-wide police action, because 150 individuals tested positive have yet to be found. The Infected had given in the Tests at the border, apparently, only your name and your date of birth, but no address. Important Test forms had been filled out in addition “part only with a pencil”, and could later be deciphered.

Positive Tested should first be informed

On Wednesday it was reported that more than 44,000 travel returnees had partially preserved after more than a week still no result in you re-entry to Germany carried out Tests. Including more than 900 people with a positive Corona at the time-finding. Subsequently, the state government had first announced until Thursday afternoon, at least, all positive findings should be transmitted.

the delay seems mainly to Tests that have been made to highways. Here, data of the traveler have been entered initially by hand in forms and later had to be first digitized and time-consuming. Huml offered because of the breakdown of their cancellation, Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) said to the Minister, the trust. Söder but also made it clear that such mishaps no longer should there be in the future.